Send This Message: Social Media Is Toxic For Kids

According to research from Common Sense Media, teens now spend an average of nine hours a day glued to their devices, with teens not far behind at six. And that’s not taking into account the use of technology in our nation’s classrooms, or all the computer homework that follows our kids home from school. Touted as a learning tool, many […]

US bank accounts for non-residents

Are you a non-US resident desperately wanting a US bank account so you can open a Paypal account and start selling online? Getting a US bank account is simple, easy, and yes, free. I see so many people on the Internet forums who need a bank account in the United States. I needed one. Do you want to know how […]


原生IP 说到互联网设备,有许多不同的类型。 从计算机和平板电脑到相机和物联网小工具,每台设备都有一个 IP 地址,可帮助它与网络上的其他机器进行通信。 IP 地址有多种类型,包括公共、私有和静态。 最重要的是要了解所有设备都由其路由器分配一个唯一的 IP 编号,该编号代表设备在网络中的位置。 最初版本的 Internet 协议 (IP) 开发时,它只有 40 亿个离散数字的空间来表示网络上的每个设备。 这很快被证明是不够的,当前版本的协议,即 IPv6,有更多的数字来解释连接到互联网的设备数量的增长。 原生IP 这个更大数量的好处之一是网络可以利用虚拟地址来代表互联网上的设备。 此过程称为网络地址转换或 NAT。 在 NAT 配置中,设备的 IP 地址从其本地专用地址转换为可在 Internet 上路由的全球公共 IP 地址。 这允许同一本地网络上的设备相互访问,而无需知道它们的实际互联网地址。 什么是原生IP? 在家庭或小型企业网络中实施 NAT 的最常见方法是使用路由器。 路由器是个人本地家庭或办公室网络与其互联网服务提供商之间的主要网关。 路由器为连接到它的设备分配一个公共 IP 地址,路由器使用这些地址与 Internet 通信。 路由器知道何时打开和关闭网络设备使用的端口,例如电子邮件和网络服务器以及媒体流服务。 通常,多个设备将共享相同的公共 IP 地址。 这对于负载平衡和冗余之类的事情很有用,因为网络上的每台机器都可以接收来自单个 VIP 地址的请求,而不必知道其特定的 IP 地址。 VIP 也是服务器常用的,允许它们在多台机器上分配流量,确保即使一台服务器发生故障,其他机器仍然可以处理需求。 TM-NIP 小组正在开发一种名为 Native IP 的新广播标准,它将 DVB […]

Artificial intelligence: the new player in technology

Artificial intelligence means stimulating human intelligence in machines by programming them to think and act like humans. It also refers to machines that can perform actions like a human brain, such as problem solving. You must be able to rationalize and take action to achieve a specific goal. It includes machine learning, whereby computer programs automatically learn and adapt to […]

Electric Vehicle Charging Stations Manufacturers

Vehicle Charging Stations Manufacturers Electric vehicle sales have increased dramatically around the world due to the benefits of using them. They are more fuel-efficient, healthier and require less maintenance than traditional cars. To charge these vehicles, drivers need charging stations, which can be located in parking lots, shopping malls, and workplaces. To help with the growing demand for these stations, […]

Effective Web Marketing: Using Technology to Build Awareness

Any effective marketing program must create a path to purchase, a smooth, well-defined path that takes your prospects from strangers to customers to loyal advocates. This article will explore the first milestone on that journey: attracting interest. Remember that every business defines the stepping stones of their marketing path a little differently, but the mile markers along the path remain […]

What to look for in a good tech news website

If you are a big fan of tech news, you are probably one of those who are always looking for a better website than the one you already read. And when looking for the best source of up-to-date information on the latest gadgets and gaming news, you probably have a list of criteria that you use as a checklist. Here […]

Personal Achievement or Spiritual Evolution: Can You Have Both?

In the world of personal development, there seem to be two distinct fields. Both approaches seem to lead to the same thing: happiness and INNER PEACE. Is one approach more effective than the other? How can we make sense of the sometimes contradictory approaches? the achievement camp The first is the power-packed, achievement-based, and goal-oriented doctrine. This school of thought […]

Do you have a prime lens in your camera bag?

Do you have a prime lens? All DSLR owners should have at least one fast fixed focal length lens in their camera bag. Zoom lenses are great and can reduce weight and expense. However, when the situation calls for it, a good prime lens can be a photographer’s best friend. In the following article, you’ll learn what a prime lens […]

The Robotic Age of Yesterday and Today – Book Review

Today, we talk about our robotic world as if it were a given, but it didn’t just happen. There has been a steady and recently increasing growth in the science of robotics. Mechanized Machinery is nothing new, it has been around since mankind began building sophisticated tools. Today, with the advent of the silicon chip and the future of computing, […]