Health Fitness

Smoothie Diet – Will the Smoothie Diet Work for You?

Many people wonder if the shake diet will work to help them lose weight. Well I am living proof that it really works. I lost over 10 pounds in 2 weeks the first time I did it.

If you follow the right plan, the weight can drop pretty fast for you too.

The shake method for weight loss is essentially a low calorie diet where you replace your regular meals with a fruit or vegetable shake.

For those of you who like smoothies like you can get at Jamba Juice or a smoothie shop, you will find this diet very delicious and satisfying.

For you smoothie enthusiasts out there, let me tell you that when you do this, you won’t feel like you are on a diet at all. You won’t feel deprived like you do on most diets.

And if you do it right, you won’t suffer those terrible hunger pangs. This is not a starvation diet – this is a healthy, nutritious and delicious meal replacement diet that you do in the short term to supercharge weight loss and flood your body with live foods that provide plenty of nutrition and vitamins.

So how does drinking smoothies help you lose weight? Shakes, when prepared correctly and nutritiously, can fill you up so you are NOT hungry and tempted to eat high calorie forbidden foods.

Can you lose weight fast? It depends… if you follow the wrong plan, you can end up drinking shakes that are high in calories and low in nutritional value. You know, it’s the same way you can ruin a healthy salad by pouring half a container of high-fat dressing over it.

If you follow my favorite shake regimen, you can be sure of getting shakes that are not only delicious, but are wonderfully healthy, low-calorie meals.

Losing weight is a simple equation: when you burn more calories than you eat, the weight is lost. With my favorite smoothies, it makes this equation perfect every time. The shake diet can really speed up your weight loss, and you really don’t want to lose weight slowly, do you?

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