5 ideas to build a spectacular outdoor kitchen

An outdoor kitchen is the ultimate dream for many people who enjoy backyard entertaining. Imagine gathering your friends or family for a summer barbecue or a cozy winter cocktail in the comfort of your own garden. Here are some great tips for designing your spectacular outdoor kitchen. 1. Design ideas Pinterest is a great resource for finding design inspiration and […]

Quick tip to lose weight

I would like to tell you a little secret of my success in losing weight so fast. First, you must make a decision. The decision is that you are going to do this. You are going to follow the training plan and you are going to change the food that you put in your mouth. You’re going to hit play […]

Classic Game Review: Speculator

“At 6:49 am CST, Hong Kong Gold reports indicate that gold is weaker against the US dollar.” You quickly phone your broker and place an order to sell gold “short” (that is, sell gold you don’t currently have assuming you can buy it at a lower price before you have to “deliver”). In SPECULATOR, you have the opportunity to interpret […]