Anime that shook the world

Anime and Manga humbly started out as a Japanese imitation of the American comic strips, thus becoming the books we know as Manga. Soon enough, technology evolved, anime followed, evolving from short graphic novels to serialized TV shows, movies, games, and music. As anime became popular in the rest of the world, people began to notice a little more about […]

Aquatic gardening

Choose the site: Ideally, the site should be partially sunny. This means sun preferably in the morning and shade in the afternoon. This will prevent the pond from getting too hot in the summer months. This will also help prevent the algae from getting out of control. Hard or soft lining? In my experience, a soft eyeliner works best. Hard […]

WoW WotLK guide: alchemy changes

Professions change frequently each time a new expansion pack is released. This is no exception with the release of the World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King expansion. One of the most significant changes is Alchemy, which has not been spared this time and has been given a major overhaul of the changes in patch 3.0.2. The means by […]

3 soccer skills for beginners

Although it may seem to a beginning player that soccer requires a wide and diverse range of skills, all you really need for a superior game are three basic soccer skills. However, mastering these skills requires intense and regular soccer training, both alone and as a team. Here are the top three skills required by soccer and easy ways to […]

LEGO Batman PSP Review

LEGO was part of my childhood, it was and still is an innovative toy. When you combine LEGO with Batman, the result is an extremely addictive game with so many features to keep you from turning off your PSP. I have never played LEGO Star Wars but I have played LEGO Indiana Jones (demo). I think LEGO Indiana Jones is […]

You must have games for your Nintendo Wii

While the Wii may lack the graphical quality of some of the other consoles, its ease of play and fun factor put it right up there with the rest. One of the latest games to be released for this console is Monster Hunt tri. This is an RPG where you hunt monsters with mystical qualities. There is great personal satisfaction […]

The 6 best PC games you can play in 2019

If you are looking for the best games to play on your PC, you can check out the list of games that is provided in this article. With the right graphics card in your PC, you can install and play all of these games at maximum settings. So, let’s take a look at the list of games. 1. Call of […]

The 11 best anime to watch

If you like anime, you have probably already seen all of these. But if you are not … you MUST try it! Anime is NOT like your usual cartoons. These stories are unique, packed with intense characters and beautiful animation. Action, drama, science fiction, psychological, horror, apocalyptic, comic, what it means to be human, humans merging with machines, the meaning […]

How to become the best baseball player possible

Every youth and high school baseball player has a desire to be the best that he can be. Whether it’s to become a great hitter who can hit them deep or a pitcher with a great fastball and wicked breaking material, all baseball players want to be better than they are. However, few know exactly what it takes to get […]