A healthy dose of medicine for the soul

A large segment of the human population takes things too seriously for their own good. The strange anomaly is that most people laugh at the wrong things and don’t laugh at the right things. This gross incongruity has deprived people of a healthy attitude towards life in general. Those who take life too seriously are in danger of missing out […]

Medicine cabinets require spring cleaning

The beginning of spring means “out with the old and in with the new,” and while it’s customary to “spring clean” our closets, garages, and other areas of the home, all too often we neglect cleaning and updating one of the most important areas. important. places in our house – the first-aid kit. Do a general cleaning of your medicine […]

What color cabinets will complement my kitchen?

Finding kitchen cabinets that complement the rest of the space is an important part of the remodel. If the color of the cabinets clashes with the color of the walls, appliances and countertops, the end result is an unpleasant and jarring experience. Fortunately, it is possible to find cabinets that complement your kitchen with a little careful planning and coordination. […]

Impress your guests with the right dinnerware sets

Dinnerware sets come in ranges from formal to casual. Some even go as far as to wear their formal ensembles to their everyday, everyday meals. Dinnerware comes in brands from the more affordable Corelle dinnerware set to the more elaborate Lenox dinnerware set. It really depends on the impression you want to give your guests. These sets have some beautiful […]

One Pot Galley Gourmet is a no-fuss, no-fuss cookbook

One Pot Galley Gourmet, by Becky Coffield, is a simple, unpretentious, and irresistible cookbook that specializes in easy-to-prepare, nutritious, and delicious meals. The book is intended for those who don’t have the time, or the inclination, to spend all day in the kitchen (or galley) preparing a meal. The book offers informative and often humorous tidbits of information scattered liberally […]

Replacement of thermal foil cabinet doors

I am a professional cabinetmaker. During the last eight years I have carved a niche for myself in the area of ​​kitchen and bathroom repairs and renovations. Among the many repair requests I receive, replacing thermal foil cabinet doors is high on the list. First let me say that there are two other popular terms used to describe this style […]