Your grease trap: cleaning and maintenance

If you’ve ever watched an episode of Gordon Ramsey’s Kitchen Nightmares, you’ve seen a disgusting grease trap. Cleaning up the debris from your grills seems completely alien to the themes of the reality TV show Rescue restaurants. If you have ever owned a restaurant, you must be aware of the importance of cleaning the grease trap. Even ignoring the obvious […]

The different types of cooking TV shows

Cooking shows have proven to be quite an effective method of increasing a network’s ratings. The premise of cooking TV shows is pretty simple. Find a great chef, create a kitchen for him or her, place the chef in the kitchen and have him prepare delicious dishes. Many people may think that this is boring and that it will hardly […]

Watch funny videos online

When you feel bored as hell, there are many things you can do online. One of the best things people do in their spare time is watch funny videos online. Funny videos are usually short movie parts, but they vary in both format and size. These also include various TV videos, movie videos, and also music videos. Since the funny […]

Fun winter family activities to try this year

In fact, Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year. Freezing mornings, delicious hot cups of hot cocoa, building a snowman, and more! Children especially enjoy Christmas and winter more. Join in the fun with your kids with these winter family activities that will make the holiday season even more exciting for everyone! Make an advent calendar Nothing will […]

Pros and Cons of Owning a Log Home

For many people, their vision of their dream home is a log cabin tucked away in the woods, or a luxurious log home overlooking a lake, where they can snuggle up next to a roaring fire in an open fireplace. Be it a small cabin or a mansion, many people dream of owning a log house! However, many people are […]

Choosing the right kitchen design

The kitchen is undoubtedly the most visited room in all homes. You practically spend a large part of your day preparing delicious meals (and eating them) there. It is also the first room a prospective buyer is likely to want to see, in the event they want to sell their home. This is why it makes perfect sense to spend […]

Common kitchen utensils and their uses

These are the basic cooking and baking utensils that any aspiring baker and cook should have. Pots: used to cook food and boil liquids on the stove. Sauce pans: make sauces and contain liquids. Thick bottoms with thick lips are preferable. Knives: used to chop, cut, carve and fillet food. Cutting board: used to place food while chopping or cutting […]