Understanding and controlling the prey drive

Prey drive is the “buzz word” among dog lovers these days. Its textbook definition states that it is the instinctive behavior of carnivores to chase and capture prey, but it is commonly used to describe habits in dog training. The prey drive is what motivates a dog to chase a ball, animals, a car, or a running child, so it’s […]

Ten Tips for the Health of Pet Snakes

As you begin to learn how to care for a pet snake, you discover that there is a lot to learn, but you quickly realize that most of it makes sense when it comes to properly caring for the health and well-being of your pet snake. The fundamental things to consider are what a snake eats, how much and how […]

Side Effects of Frontline Plus for Dogs

Frontline Plus for dogs is a topical medication that works against tick and flea infestations. Its active ingredients, S-Methoprene and Fipronil, work to not only kill all existing ticks and fleas, but also work on flea eggs and larvae to ensure that they do not mature into adults. This medicine is known to be 100% effective within the first 48 […]

About Yorkshire Terrier – Yorkie Puppies

Yorkshire Terriers are the most magnificent little creatures in the world, with long, trailing coats, short little legs, and the most commanding personalities you’ll ever meet. As puppies they are so cute and small with big big eyes that just watch and wait for some love and affection. As a Yorkshire terrier “Yorkie” begins to age, they get these really […]

What happened to your chihuahua? A Small Dog Rescue Update

Chihuahuas are disproportionately crowding pet shelters and small dog rescue agencies, at least in California. Chihuahuas are the most popular dog breed in Los Angeles, so it makes sense that they’re the most neglected breed, said Madeline Bernstein, president of the Los Angeles Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. Experts say pop culture is to blame, as fans […]

5 Ways You Should Train Your Siberian Husky

Training is needed to adapt a Siberian husky to your home lifestyle. Huskies are also highly intelligent dogs and are happiest when learning and discovering new things. To keep you and your Husky satisfied, this is where training comes into play. The following are the 5 different ways in which you should train your Siberian husky. You’ll find that some […]

Are Siamese cats expensive?

Siamese cats remain one of the most popular cat breeds in the US and around the world. Your purchase cost may vary depending on your breeding pedigree, your color, and other factors. So is the Siamese expensive? What costs are involved other than the purchase price? Startup costs The first choice you make when it comes to getting any breed […]

Pet Services will help train you and your dog

There are some dogs that just won’t listen to even the simplest instructions, like sit. His behavior is worse when visitors arrive. He howls and makes all kinds of noises the moment you leave him alone. The moment you open the door or gate, he runs out into the street. There is still hope for you and your dog. Los […]