The beagle

The Beagle is an energetic dog with a happy disposition, making him a great pet for most families. This breed is part of the Hound dog category and is suitable for both indoor and outdoor life. Their huge and expressive eyes make it very easy to fall in love with this breed. History The Beagle traces its history back to […]

Difference between animal sanctuaries and animal shelter

Animal shelters and wildlife sanctuaries are often confused. Although many sanctuaries have the characteristics of animal shelters, they are not the same. Shelters have a more temporary and more intrusive purpose, while sanctuaries are more permanent and less intrusive. Animal shelters are designed to temporarily house stray, homeless, or abandoned animals. An example of a shelter is a “kennel”. Shelters […]

Hanle’s Endangered Gazelles

Dodging down Leh’s busy main street, we desperately searched for camera battery and good quality film rolls as we drove to Hanle to search for the Tibetan gazelle, a small antelope. We ran to the Moti market with makeshift shops selling trinkets. Shoppers and merchants seemed to enjoy the raucous Bollywood songs. A winter trip to Hanle in Changthang meant […]

Common Naughty Kitty Behavior: How to discipline a kitten

Kittens are without a doubt one of the loveliest pets you can have, and they provide us with plenty of entertainment as they frolic and play, mischief, and in some downright silly situations. It’s the mischief that many homeowners worry about, and they feel they have to control it somehow. Animal experts, including veterinarians, are often bombarded with questions from […]

Beware! Before adopting from a dog rescue, should you know the correct answers for the app?

If you are considering adopting a dog from an animal shelter or dog rescue group, this is wonderful! Every dog ​​adopted from a shelter or rescue group helps eliminate despicable puppy mills and, more importantly, saves a dog’s life. Unfortunately, some dog rescue groups make adopting a dog almost as difficult as adopting a child. The first hurdle you must […]

A civilization: African and Arab

From the beginning of the pre-Aksum period (during the early part of the first millennium BC), the city of Aksum (or Axum) became the central focus of a commercial civilization that grew to combine elements of Semitic culture (southern of Arabia) with an indigenous African economic culture, which originally may have had similarities to the more recent Iron Age settlements […]

Old army terminology

The author, Peter B. Kyne, makes mention in his book Soldiers, Sailors and Dogs, New York: HC Kinsey & Co., 1936 of what appear to be a series of expressions that probably originated during the Spanish-American War and that could have it survived until the first part of the American participation in World War I. Evidently, Kyne had some military […]

Are Cats Color Blind?

No, is the answer, however, his color vision is quite poor. In the first half of this century, scientists were sure that cats were completely color blind, and one expert reworked a popular saying with the words: “Day and night, all cats see gray.” That was the persistent attitude in the 1940s, however more measured research has been done over […]

Cat behavior problems

Is cat discipline possible? People often ask me if it is really possible to train cats. Cats are intelligent animals and they will learn new behaviors much faster than you think. Many people find it hard to believe that cat discipline is possible, but despite its independent nature, it is possible to teach a cat that a particular behavior is […]