The Seven Best WordPress Plugins for Your Blog

Lots of bloggers are using WordPress and for good reason. It is the most popular blogging software in use today and one of the biggest reasons is the ability to add functionality through the use of plugins. Plugins can turn your run-of-the-mill blog into a high-powered online tool capable of driving traffic and revenue to your site. Consider using major […]

Facebook and the ‘demagialization’ of social life

Facebook is a social, cultural and technological phenomenon like no other. With over six hundred million users worldwide, the social networking site seems to be on the verge of taking the world by storm. From a sociological perspective, the consumption patterns associated with the website are fascinating. Today’s user demographics dictate that Facebook manages to transcend all ties of class, […]

Benefits of Social Networks

Social media, of course, is in its infancy, at least for website traffic generators, so what are the hitherto little-penetrated benefits of social media? lower costs It is significantly cheaper to employ online social media strategies than it is to pay for advertising. When you use a social network, you can pre-screen potential customers. You learn what your prospects like […]

YouTube Traffic Generation Basics

The YouTube method that you can use to drive traffic to your website is to make videos for the popular YouTube sharing website. YouTube sees around a billion users each month, so posting a video on YouTube almost guarantees that it will be viewed as long as you use the right keywords. In this article, we’ll explore the process of […]

Why is the iPhone so popular?

The iPhone has become very popular for various reasons and has millions of people clamoring to buy these mobile phones due to their high quality and ease of use. There are many people who are even on their second and third versions of the iPhone, as these die-hard fans understand the importance of the iPhone’s capabilities and how it has […]

The benefits and disadvantages of online paid surveys

Are paid online surveys a scam? This question has two parts. The first part are market research companies that have been in business since the 1920s. When the Internet came along in the 1990s, it transformed the industry into a more online presence. Before the Internet, companies used market research firms to use surveys by going door-to-door, mailing them out, […]