Health Fitness

3 basic water aerobics exercises

Most of us don’t enjoy exercise routines. It is more of a boring session that we carry out every day to stay fit and fit. Now training sessions can be fun with water aerobics too. Water aerobics are exercises that are performed in a swimming pool.

It is one of the best training sessions that offer minimal impact. In addition, it is said to have low impact on the joints, which makes water aerobics an ideal option for those with knee injury problems due to training routines.

Water aerobics offer a full body workout. It can be done by anyone; swimmer or non-swimmer. All you need to do is get in the water and get going. Water aerobics is becoming popular day by day because people of all ages can benefit from it and stay fit.

Water provides support and resistance, which helps build strength and improve flexibility. It is for this very reason that water aerobics provides a full body workout, from head to toe. Just getting in the pool and getting going with aqua aerobics can tone your muscles, legs, strengthen your bones and much more, in short, a full body workout.

Three of the basic water aerobics exercises are given below.

1.Walking: This exercise will be performed in water at waist height. Begin walking to a waist-high point with your feet fully touching the pool floor. Make sure your foot is touching from heel to toe. The knees should be brought up instead of forward and the arms should also be raised for balance.

2. Jumping Jacks: This should be done in chest-deep water. Keep your feet together and your arms at your sides. You should jump and spread your feet as you raise your arms to shoulder height and land on your ball feet. Now jump back up and return to the original position. This is considered as a repetition.

3. Running and jogging: First jog to the point where the water is up to chest height. You should push off from your toes to land on the balls of your feet. Now adopting the same action of moving the arms, keeping the fingers straight, as in a real trot to cut water. Make sure to lift your knees up. After this, pump your legs and arms as fast as you can. The technique here is to keep your head up and your core tight.

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