
3 simple things that make a smart and happy child

When we think about children and the stories they sometimes tell, we are very surprised by what we hear.

There is a story that a kindergartner told in class one day. He began, in a nutshell, by saying that hugging and kissing was “disgusting.” He then proceeded to explain that yes, his mom hugged him when he was a baby every time she fed him. However, his gestures clearly indicated that this was the only time she was supposed to hug and kiss him.

And there is another story that precedes this next young man because he still does not speak and because he was seen and heard by a small group of shoppers waiting in line at a self-checkout. The young mother waved her heavy hand at the little boy and said, “Hey, get out ma (beep) brother! You’re ruining ma (beep)! Get out ma (beep)!” And we wonder what happens to our children today.

In the first scenario, we have a six-year-old boy who was obviously taught that only babies in the arm require affection, who was either too big or too old for hugs and kisses from mommy and daddy.

In the second scenario, we have a little boy who doesn’t even speak yet, receiving so much negativity from the person who is supposed to love him the most in this life.

It is imperative that all caregivers know that affection is crucial for all age groups. It teaches children that they are loved and that thanks to that love they can fulfill their dreams. Responding to your young children with aggression and anger is not the answer. It only makes the child build a mental wall of fear and self-defense. Later in life, he will be afraid to try anything. And his responses to anyone around him can be reserved or a verbal or physical attack… once again, that fear and self-defense mechanism kicks in.

Moms and dads, there are three simple things you can do to make sure you’re raising a smart, happy, and confident child. Execute these tips with discipline, and you should be pleased with what you see.

1. Positive interaction
Show your child affection. A father’s healthy touch sends the very important message that his child is loved, wanted and supported. As mentioned in previous articles, affection is so important that, when given, it activates a chemical that coats brain cells, causing them to develop more efficiently. Well-developed brain cells increase a child’s academic ability and improve her social skills.

Read to and with your child. This cannot be stressed enough. Story time fosters closeness between you and your child. Your voice and facial expressions bring the story to life, and your child will learn to do the same by watching and listening. Also, poetry and songs develop that fun moment between parents and children. Improves listening and speaking skills, creating the ability to capture rhyme and rhythm patterns.

Play with your child. Children are always surprised and pleased when parents join them on the floor to play with toys, play games, draw, color, paint or create crafts.

2. Time to share
Now the great thing about timeshare is that it can take place anywhere. And all of the above also counts as sharing time, but here we are discussing specific topics.

You want to talk to your child about the world around him. It is alarming to ask a child what he is eating and his response is: “I don’t know.” Instead of allowing your child to run and play in the store, let him help you shop and prepare dinner menus. In this way, your child learns various foods and how to combine them to make a meal. He learns the importance of eating fruits and vegetables.

Talking with your child is essential. Discuss the weather; teach the different types of clouds there are and what type of weather each brings. Discuss the joys of getting dirty playing outside and the need to clean up; And this begins the topic of hygiene. Discussions about daily activities help develop a well-rounded child who is comfortable, not afraid to try new things.

3. Challenge and encourage
Finally, tell your child what he can do. And then, through the loving tone of his voice and his example, encourage him to try those healthy activities that he would probably never do without your incredible support by his side.

Remember, moms and dads, it is through positive interaction, sharing time, encouragement, and challenge that we raise intelligent, happy children who are confident in themselves.

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