
Acid Reflux Throat Symptoms

Affecting the Throat

Acidic juices that are pushed into the esophagus from the stomach cause acid reflux in the throat. The throat of the affected person is irritated by the presence of acid contained in partially digested food regurgitated from the stomach. Persistent acid reflux can cause back-of-throat or pharyngeal symptoms that lead to sore throats and voice problems. Such laryngopharyngeal symptoms, unlike the typical heartburn associated with GERD that a person can easily identify with, can surprise the sufferer and are therefore known as silent or atypical reflux.


Symptoms of throat acid reflux include accumulation of excessive phlegm or mucus in the throat that induces frequent clearing of the throat leading to hoarseness or sore throat, a feeling of a lump in the throat, a feeling of suffocation and wheezing. There is a persistent sensation in the throat of a layer or stuck food. The problem is particularly pronounced in the morning. The voice does not remain natural and sounds slow. For people severely affected by throat acid reflux, there may be cases of pneumonia or laryngeal ulcer. This results as a consequence of injury to the esophagus caused by partially digested acidic juice. If reflux goes untreated for a long time, it can even cause esophageal or throat cancer. The longer the disease persists, the more vocal cord scars. Irritable and crying children may indicate that they suffer from acid reflux of the throat that causes respiratory disorders, swallowing difficulties, choking, pneumonia and asthma.

Things to avoid

The throat and vocal cords affected by heartburn require continuous treatment to heal. The symptoms of acid reflux in the throat are aggravated by throat lozenges and cough drops that contain eucalyptus oil and menthol, as in addition to causing throat irritation, they stimulate the stomach to secrete more acid. Other things that can aggravate the situation include mouthwashes, breath fresheners, gums, and hard candy.

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