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Are you a superhero?

These days it’s hard to stand up for what you believe in. Many people are quick to criticize or ridicule you. But when you turn your life over to God and trust Him to fight your battles for you, He will lead and guide you through the most difficult situations imaginable.

You may be going through something right now that seems impossible to get over. Do not despair. Help is just a prayer away. But not any prayer is worth. His prayer must be one of genuine faith in God. Hebrews 11:6 says, “And without faith it is impossible to please him, for it is necessary that all who draw near to God believe that he exists, and that he is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him.” Throughout the Bible we read about how powerful God is and also how compassionate he is. He is worthy of our trust!

In the first book of the Bible, Genesis, we meet Adam and Eve, the first man and the first woman. When they walked in the Garden of Eden, they had fellowship with God. They were not afraid because they knew that God was taking care of them and providing for all their needs. Then the serpent appeared on the scene, and that’s when Adam and Eve got into trouble.

In the Garden of Eden, God gave them all kinds of good things to eat. He also placed there the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. This was the only tree they were not to eat from or else they would die. But the snake was there to shake things up. He was jealous of the happiness that Adam and Eve had with God and he wanted to see them disobey God.

The serpent told Eve that God did not really mean what he said when they were not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. “You will not die! God only said that because He knows that when you eat from that tree, your eyes will be opened and you will be like Him, knowing good and evil.”

Eve fell for that lie and ate the forbidden fruit. Can she guess what happened next? Adam came over to see what was going on and Eve convinced him to eat some of that fruit too. Their eyes were opened and they realized that they were naked! This was not a problem before the snake appeared, but now Adam and Eve were ashamed of their nakedness. So they made covers of fig leaves for their private parts. And when God came walking through the Garden, Adam and Eve hid.

“Where are you?” She asked.

Adam told God that he and his wife, Eve, were afraid to face him because of their nakedness. Immediately God knew what had happened, and He confronted them about the forbidden fruit they had eaten. Gone was the joy they had had before they disobeyed God.

Today we continue to disobey God by refusing to believe in Him. And even when we believe in Him, we still have times when we just don’t trust Him. We think our problems are too big for Him to handle or that He doesn’t really care. for us. These are lies too. Nothing is too hard for God to help us, and He cares about us more than anyone in the entire world!

The serpent that lied to Adam and Eve disturbs them and persuades them to disobey God is actually Satan, the devil. He used to be a beautiful angel in heaven named Lucifer, but he got too impressed with himself and tried to be like God. In fact, he believed that he could become greater than God! (In Isaiah 14:12-14, we see how ambitious the devil is.) And he persuaded many other angels to worship him. God deserves our worship and our trust. not satan The devil hates God and those who love God. He continues to lie to people and convince them to follow him instead of God.

And you? Have you decided to follow God or Satan? Some people say that they do neither, but this is also a lie. If you don’t follow God, you follow Satan. You may not pay attention to it, but if you ignore God, you are actually doing exactly what Satan wants you to do. And he will do everything possible to prevent you from trusting God.

When you are in trouble, who do you turn to for help? Many young people join gangs to feel powerful. They believe that if they are part of a gang, no one will try to mess with them. Others try to solve their problems by using drugs and committing acts of violence out of anger. But God wants us to turn to Him. He can help us overcome any kind of problem, no matter how difficult it seems.

One of the biggest problems facing young people today is bullying. Bullies make some people so afraid that they drop out of school or take their own life. God doesn’t want us to do any of those things. He wants us to stand firm in our faith and trust Him to be our strength and our shield (Psalm 18:1-3). He is eager to step in and rescue us from danger, but he expects us to turn to him.

There is so much that God can do for us. Why do we struggle with our problems instead of giving them to Him? Because Satan continues to lie to us, making us think that God is not real, that He is incapable of handling our problem, or that he just doesn’t care what is happening to us. We must stop believing these lies. Once we learn the truth about God, that he exists and that he cares about us, we won’t be so easily scared by bullies. In fact, we will be so bold that we will actually begin to tell others how powerful and compassionate God is.

When you see someone in trouble and you talk to them about God, you are being a superhero. Did you know that? You are actually coming to their rescue with the good news of salvation! You don’t have to be Superman, Spider Man or Iron Man to save the day for others. All you have to do is share with them what the Bible says about God’s power and compassion.

The next time you see bullies bullying someone, pray for those bullies and the person being bullied. God can do amazing work in the hearts of others, just as he did in yours!

Nothing is too difficult for God. And if you love God and trust Him with all your heart, nothing is too hard for you either. Every time we proclaim God’s truth and trust Him to rescue us, Satan is defeated! He can’t do anything but leave. Yes, he comes back again and again and again. But let us stand firm on the rock of our salvation, the Lord God Almighty, and let him fight for us as Moses told the Israelites to do when their bullies, the Egyptians, were causing them serious trouble (Exodus 14:13-14). .

Be a superhero and share your faith with those who are in trouble. Together we can change the hearts of bullies and defeat Satan!

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