Digital Marketing

Article Writing – How to Write Great Articles in 300-600 Words

When you write articles for syndication, they don’t have to be as long or comprehensive as the articles you find in the featured columns of magazines. Concise and useful are two keywords that you should keep in mind. The problem is, how can you deliver good information in such a limited space?

Not that there’s anything wrong with longer articles. They provide more information on different aspects of a topic. Featured magazine articles are different from long articles. They should be compact, interesting and contain good information at the same time.

Articles for syndication are different. They have to be focused on a specific topic. They must transmit the information they carry in the shortest possible time.

If you focus on one specific thing at a time and discard the rest, you can write convey any idea in 300-600 words. Sometimes I include a story at the beginning of my articles, but instead of giving the full story, I give the short, to the point version.

Many writers would agree that it takes more time to write a concise article than a long one. If you have to cram a lot into such a small space, you have to choose carefully what to write and discard the rest.

However, the situation is a bit different for this type of article writing. It is not about delivering a lot of information in 300-600 words, but about focusing only on that.

If you find yourself adding irrelevant content, you can cut the article and use it for another article. You can use the existing article skeleton to keep the content focused.

Practice makes perfect. Once you get into the habit of writing concise and useful articles, it will be easier.

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