Best job interview questions to ask candidates

Best job interview questions

The best job interview questions give you insight into a candidate’s personality, work ethic and problem-solving skills. They can also help you determine whether a candidate has the technical agility required for the role.

While behavioral Job Interview Questions are ubiquitous, they don’t have to be cookie-cutter. It’s OK to ask candidates about how they’ve dealt with a challenge at work or what they’d do in a difficult situation, just make sure you tailor the question to fit your company and the role. You want to hire someone who can handle your business’s biggest challenges and problems. So, if a candidate doesn’t have the right problem-solving attitude, they’ll struggle to thrive in your workplace.

A great way to find out is by asking candidates about a time they had to deal with an unexpected challenge and what they did to overcome it. It can help you determine if they have the resilience and ability to adapt quickly in the face of a problem and will be able to handle the unpredictable nature of the job.

Best job interview questions to ask candidates

Another way to find out if a candidate is resilient is by asking them about a time they’ve had to put their own ego aside. It shows that they have the capacity to be selfless and prioritize the needs of others. It also helps you understand how they’ll treat coworkers and customers in the future, especially if they have to take on leadership roles.

If you’re hiring for a customer-facing position, it’s important to find out if a candidate has a genuine interest in helping people. A good way to test this is by asking them to tell you about a challenging customer service experience they’ve had and how they handled it.

Recruiting managers can also assess a candidate’s empathy by asking them about a challenging situation at work that made them feel frustrated. This can reveal if they’re easily stressed out and can’t cope with pressure or conflict at work, and if they’ll be able to deliver the best customer service in your workplace.

It’s essential to find out if a candidate is comfortable working in a team, so it’s a good idea to ask them about a time they worked in a close-knit group. It’s a good idea to steer clear of any questions that could be considered discriminatory, such as those related to race, religion, sex (gender, sexual orientation, pregnancy status), national origin, age or disability, as these can have a negative impact on the interviewee.

Finally, it’s a good idea to find out how much the candidate knows about the industry, particularly any relevant trends or developments. This will help you determine how much research they’ve done before the interview and how well-informed they’ll be about your company and the role. A candidate who shows they’ve taken the time to prepare for the interview will have a lot to say about the industry and their previous experience. They’ll be able to provide detailed answers about the things that are important to them and how they’ve progressed in their career.

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