Interview with Jay Valko (Valko BJJ)

Jay Valko is a gentleman and a scholar. Jay Valko gives us some thoughts on the importance of injury prevention, starting a cover band, and his beard. And I think he also talks about Jiu-Jitsu quite a bit. Have you ever used jiu jitsu in a self defense situation? More or less, both directly and indirectly. Straight up, I’ve used […]

Les Miserables: A Film Critic

Think of the mortification and anguish of individuals who have spent years in prison, who have served their time and seemingly paid their debt to society, but are never given another chance; they are treated as dangerous people who continue to be a threat to their communities. This movie review will focus on the character of Jean Valjean and his […]

Christmas Wreaths – History, Tradition and Uses

Evergreen wreaths at Christmas are a familiar sight on doorways, above mantelpieces, and in homes. Crowns have been in use for many hundreds of years, even before the birth of Christ. Many historians believe that the earliest crowns date back to the Persian Empire, when royals and members of the upper class wore jeweled headbands or cloth headbands. Other cultures […]

Breast Cancer Awareness and GMOs

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, making it the perfect time to explore the widely ignored and rarely discussed link between GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms) and women’s most feared diagnosis. Breast cancer is the leading cause of death among women ages 40 to 55, and about 80 percent of those diagnosed have no family history of the disease. One in […]

How publishers should set up their PMP offers

Private programmatic marketplaces and PMP bidding are common buzzwords in the publisher and advertiser communities. But what are they really? So what is a private marketplace (PMP)? A private marketplace is your own little auction house for viewing listings. The buyers who are competing for those views are the ones you invite to join. Private Marketplaces or PMPs are like […]

across the road

Preparations were underway… The food was hot, delicious and plentiful. They had all eaten until they were satisfied. Their throats were full of revelry, joy and family. Many could not participate with such fine clothing, delicacy or address, because they did not have any. Many jumped up and ran for the door. Some took a nap and rested from their […]