assault defense lawyer

This professional represents a person who has been charged with assault, which can be a felony or a misdemeanor. They also represent clients who are charged with battery. The combination of assault and battery will often carry a penalty of jail time. The assault defense lawyer’s job is to keep his client out of jail or reduce the amount of […]

The Windmill on Wimbledon Common

Recently, on a short trip to London, I set out to walk to Wimbledon Common. Somehow it felt extremely ‘English’ trudging across the pavement, uphill of course, with a light rain on my face. I thought I had a pretty good chance of blending in with the locals, until I got to the Common proper and found it to be […]

Thoughts on the Muppets

If there’s anyone out there who experienced the 80’s and 90’s and for whatever reason doesn’t know what a Muppet is…they must be from some impoverished African village. Even then, he still borders on being a weak excuse. It seems like a good deal of my childhood memories, those of my friends, and the ones I’ve come to learn about, […]

How to kill your addiction in 21 days!

I personally know what it’s like to be addicted to something bad. When you are addicted to something good, like exercising or eating healthy, then your life improves. But when that addiction is to something bad, like pornography, alcohol, or lying, then your life becomes miserable. Those bad addictions do nothing to improve your life. However, with any addiction it […]