Creative content writing: its lucrative professional aspects and literary values

Among the various valuable soft skills, the ability to write is a key component. Today, children learn the art of composing articles in schools. Educational institutes have included creative content writing in their co-curricular activities. Even in this machine age, human emotions have not dried up. Oral communication is the most effective way to share our needs and emotions in […]

What does a content writer do?

Terms like “content,” “SEO,” and “content writer” have been around for a number of years, but many people still don’t know exactly what they mean. SEO or Search Engine Optimization is the method of writing texts on a given topic that will appear at the top level when the topic or keyword is typed into a search engine. On the […]

Effective Article Writing Techniques

Writing is a textual representation of language, that is, with the use of signs and symbols. It is a way of expressing the point of view, emotions and feelings. Someone who is good at it usually gets everyone’s attention. Although considered a senile activity, article writing still works well in marketing and advertising. Various marketers, both neophytes and hobbyists, have […]

A Beginner’s Guide to Copywriting for SEO

When Google released the Panda updates, the face of SEO changed completely. This update de-emphasized having as many keywords as possible on your site, to make websites easier to use and read. This was to increase the quality of sites on page one of Google so that users can see the information that is most relevant to their search terms. […]