Tips to burn fat in summer

Summer is a great time to easily burn extra calories and finally lose the weight you have wanted to get rid of for a long time. Forget about the exercise bike, the elliptical bike or the treadmill. Get out of the gym and into the fresh air. Take advantage of the fat-burning weather by engaging in great outdoor cardiovascular activities […]

Beagle leash training

Have you ever wondered if it is safe to walk your Beagle down the street without a leash? Most people will say that it is not safe without a leash. This is because the beagle was bred to be a hunting dog with a strong and powerful sense of smell. You cannot override thousands of years of ingrained instinct that […]

The 10 Best Occasions to Serve Mocktails

As much as we all love a great cocktail recipe, there are times when it’s simply inappropriate to drink alcohol. Whether you’re serving underage youth or on the chopping block at your workplace, knowing when to keep it dry can literally save your life. Here are the top ten occasions when you should definitely go for a mocktail recipe for […]

How to burn arm fat with a weight shake

We all hate the wobble from limp arm. It’s annoying and embarrassing. Many people try to hide this sagging problem by wearing long sleeves all the time, which eliminates many clothing options. It makes it hard to find something to wear, especially for a special event, and it’s especially uncomfortable in the summer. When you finally get tired of being […]

A safe way to burn abdominal fat

A safe way to lose abdominal fat is a diet that eliminates calories and reduces abdominal fat. It includes bursts of high-intensity activity followed by short recovery periods. This method helps burn belly fat while maintaining the overall health of the body. The best part of this method is that it is safe and effective for most people. This means […]

6 Surprising Benefits of Cold Water Therapy for Fat Loss, Detox, and Recovery

Much has been made lately about the benefits of cold water therapy for fat loss, detoxification, and recovery. “Cryotherapy”, o Cold water immersion, cold showers, cold gel packs, and cold water detox bathing (based on Louis Kuhne’s friction sitz bath) are popular with athletes and health seekers, and can equally benefit virtually everyone else. A long list of benefits is […]

B vitamins play an essential role in metabolism

B vitamins were once thought to be a single vitamin called the B vitamin. After much research, we discovered that there are actually 8 different vitamins. Subsequent research has also concluded that the B vitamins are water soluble, which means they are easily excreted out of the body and therefore must be constantly consumed through our diet. B vitamins have […]

What diet is good for a marathon?

Nutrition is often an overlooked element of marathon training. The right nutrition plan will make those long training runs look so much easier! Food is your source of energy. All foods are made up of carbohydrates, protein, fat, and fiber. Carbohydrates are linked to energy production, complete proteins are linked to tissue repair and building, fat provides fuel for the […]