how to burn calories

Life, they say, is full of contradictions, so why shouldn’t that apply to exercise as well? He trains regularly with weights and cardio and carefully watches what he eats, which together are supposed to produce a fit and toned body. That’s the problem: it’s supposed to. But what if you do pretty much everything you can, really give 100% to […]

Key components of HIIT

Every HIIT workout consists of three key components, without which it cannot be classified as a HIIT workout. These are: Heating anaerobic periods recovery periods Each of these components plays an important role in HIIT exercises. We’ll take a closer look at them to see why they’re important and what role each plays in a typical HIIT routine. Heating A […]

glycemic index list

Too often, we don’t think about the value of the food we eat while easing our hunger pangs. This is especially true for those of us who live fast-paced lives, moving from one responsibility to the next on autopilot, without giving much thought to what we eat or how we eat it. Before we know it, we’ve gained unwanted weight, […]

What to eat before bed

Most of you know how to get proper nutrition throughout the day, but what do you eat before bed? Common sense suggests that a balance of complex carbohydrates and protein is appropriate at this time, but I’ll tell you more than that. I am going to tell you precisely what you should eat and what macronutrients they should come from. […]

Personal Trainer Tips: Pre-Workout Meals

Working out can be a laborious and exhausting exercise for anyone, regardless of how healthy or fit they may be. In addition to dealing with sore muscles, your body’s rhythm, and the mental stress often associated with exercise, you also need to consider eating the right types and the right amount of food. Often referred to as “pre-workout meals”, a […]