
cleaning a snowboard helmet

Your snowboard helmet is probably the most important piece of safety equipment you own. If you take care of her, she will take care of you. Generally, the lifespan of a snowboard helmet is three years, but if you use the helmet frequently, it is better to change it once every three years. To ensure a long life for your helmet, you should keep it in the best possible condition and clean it regularly. While helmets are generally made of similar materials and can be cleaned in the same way, it is recommended that you follow the manufacturer’s cleaning instructions for the specific helmet you have purchased.

Daily cleaning: It is not mandatory to clean the snowboard helmet every day. However, during the winter season when you snowboard regularly, it is recommended to clean your helmets every day, especially the visor. This is the main window of the helmet that guides your vision and it should be clean and free of dirt, debris and any kind of scratches. Cleaning your visor after snowboarding should be part of your post-ride ritual. Of course, it’s easier to wipe off dirt before it dries and settles on the visor. You can clean fresh dirt without scrubbing the visor, thus minimizing the risk of scratches.

weekly cleaning: Even if you are not a regular snowboarder, it is important that you clean your helmet once a week. Modern helmets include multiple vents and intakes, which will work only if you keep them clean and open. Use an old toothbrush or cotton swab to clean the vents to make sure they are clean and free of obstructions.

monthly cleaningNote: Other important parts of helmets, such as removable liners and cheek pads, should be cleaned once a month. Remove them and follow the manufacturer’s instructions for cleaning and washing them. Some of these items are machine washable and others should be hand washed and dried.

Cleaning every six monthsNote: Even if you follow the regular cleaning ritual, it’s important to thoroughly clean your hoof once every six months. Over the years, a helmet can cause a buildup of sweat, skin, hair gel, and even dandruff. You must remove it to avoid any kind of bad smell coming from your snowboard helmet. Its interior, including its padding, should be cleaned with a damp cloth. Let it dry naturally before using it again.

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