Health Fitness

Cooking grilled cheese on an electric griddle

Few things can cure an upset stomach or rainy day blues like the combination of grilled cheese and a large bowl of tomato soup. Although it is a relatively simple dish to prepare, it remains a standard American comfort food throughout the years. While many know how to make a grilled cheese sandwich, few know how to do it right. Instead, they accept their mediocre piles of bread, filled with cold cheese. America, it doesn’t have to be this way.

“Wait a second”, you might be thinking, “are you trying to tell me that there is a better way to make grilled cheese?” You can bet it does, and it’s surprisingly easier than you might imagine.

The secret to the perfect grilled cheese is to cook it on an electric grill. Electric irons are available at almost any department store, such as Sears, Target, K-Mart, or Walmart, for a very reasonable price on average (usually well below the $ 70 range). Electric griddles are easy to cook and even easier to assemble – just plug them into the wall and you’re ready to start cooking!

Most electric griddles feature a top-of-the-line nonstick cooking surface, but to create the truly magical grilled cheese sandwich, the chef must use butter or margarine (depending on personal preference or dietary restrictions) to cook the bread. Butter or margarine should be applied to one side of both pieces of bread.

Speaking of bread, what is the best kind to use? Experts suggest using wheat bread. Not only is it healthier than an average white loaf, it’s also sturdier and holds up better when cooked on the electric griddle. By using wheat bread, you will reduce the amount of damage the sandwich has to take.

Now that you have your bread and butter chunks, place one on the non-stick surface of your electric griddle. Place three pieces of cheese on top of the non-butter side of the bread. At this point, you can also choose to add an additional ingredient to your sandwich. Crowd favorites include bacon, ham, or tomato. Top with a topping, followed by your second slice of bread with the buttered side facing you. Now your perfect grilled cheese has been assembled and it just takes a little patience and love to complete.

Wait two to three minutes to flip the sandwich, checking the underside until golden brown. Flip the sandwich over and wait another two to three minutes. Once both sides are golden brown and the melted cheese begins to spill onto the crust of the bread, you are ready to remove the sandwich from the electric griddle. Place on a plate and chill for a minute or two. Turn off your electric iron, unplug its cord from the wall, and clean the non-stick surface with a sponge.

To maximize the level of enjoyment, grilled cheese should be served with a bowl of tomato soup and a tall glass of ginger ale (alcohol is optional!). Sit back, have a bite to eat, and enjoy the fruits of your labor – the best grilled cheese sandwich in the world.

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