Health Fitness

Exercise for a flat stomach: the impact of walking and jogging on flat abs

There are many misconceptions and delusions when it comes to achieving flat abs. Most people associate an exercise for a flat stomach with squats and sit-ups.

Although these two are great for busting your belly, these ab exercises won’t be as effective as they could be. Why? First you need to shed and lose some excess body weight.

Consider the fact that you simply have to primarily lose weight before you can tone your muscle area. Imagine an obese person focusing only on a specific part of the body without the whole body working. It will never work and you are just sweating and getting tired with no results!

What you have to do is find an exercise for a flat stomach that will help you lose weight while allowing you to reduce the excess fat around your belly. The best way to reduce abdominal fat is to walk or jog. As you briskly walk, you burn calories and burn off those fats. Jogging allows you to burn even more calories.

Getting leaner allows you to get flatter abs.

Exercising for a flat stomach through aerobics three times a week will also help speed up your metabolism. Just 20 minutes a day will take you towards your goal of sexy abs and a flat stomach.

Do you want a flat stomach and flat abs? Start walking or jogging today and this will be a key first step towards the great looking body you’ve always dreamed of.

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