
Facts About Dogs Everyone Loves To Hear All The Time

Admit it; you love your canine pet so much that you want to hear the best dog facts all the time. Considering that they have existed among man for over 14,000 years, the way we treat our canine pets has really evolved into something akin to kinship. The close relationship of the man with his dog has been documented by scientists in ceramics, cave drawings and ivory carvings. Today it is done through videos, digital images and decorative sculptures.

Some Random Facts About Dogs

Given the importance we place on our dogs, it is not surprising that much has been written about them. Like most dog owners, you may have already read about potty training your dog or what food to feed, but did you know that a substance in chocolate can kill your pet? The substance is called theobromine, and at the very least, it could make your dog seriously ill.

You must have known that dogs can hear better than humans. This is because humans can only perceive sound that has 20,000 vibrations per second, while dogs can sense up to 35,000 vibrations per second.

They can smell even better. Compared to the five million sensory cells in man’s smell, a Dachshund has 125 million, a Fox Terrier has 147 million, and a German Shepherd has 220 million.

Typically, people would post the “Beware of Dogs” sign on their premises to warn strangers that a guard dog is in the house. If you think it is a modern method, you are wrong. Mosaics saying exactly the same meaning were found on the doorsteps of houses in ancient Roman cities.

As of 1977, there are 121 dog breeds recognized by the American Kennel Club. These range from the Yorkshire terrier, Chihuahua, and Toy Poodle, which are the smallest canines to the Irish Wolfhound and Great Dane, which are recognized as the tallest dogs. The heaviest breed is the Saint Bernard.

The number of dogs in the United States is the highest in the world, with the Labrador retriever being the most favored breed. It has also been estimated that one million dogs became the main beneficiaries of their master’s will. Unfortunately, 15 people also die from dog bites in the country each year. The 2002 figure even exceeded the number of people who have died from sharks over the past century.

If you are currently looking for a new pet, there are different breeds of dogs for sale that you can find from private owners, who sell puppies in excess, to online stores of professional breeders. If you already have an adult dog at home, it is normal for her to be jealous of the new puppy the first time. This will pass quickly, as dogs are naturally social animals. However, never treat your dogs equally. This is because for your dogs, the pack position is still essential and treating them the same way will promote jealousy games.

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