
Foods to keep away from your dog

As dog lovers, we want to pamper our furry family members all the time. Especially when it comes to sharing the things we love with them. Unfortunately, not everything that is good for us is also good for our pets. Listed below are a number of foods to keep away from your dogs.

1. Chocolate (and caffeine) – Now even if you’ve never had a dog, you probably know that chocolate is toxic to dogs. What you may not know is that this also extends to coffee and caffeine. All these elements come from cocoa beans, which contain methylxanthines. This is known to cause numerous ill effects in dogs and even death. They should be kept away from their pets.

2. Grapes and Raisins – This may not be as well known, and that could be because the reason it is also unknown, but grapes and raisins can cause kidney failure in dogs. It is best to avoid giving any of these to your dog.

3. Salt: When ingested in large amounts, salt can make pets excessively thirsty and urinate. This can lead to severe dehydration and even sodium ion poisoning, so it’s best to limit the salty snacks you give your dogs. Some common savory snacks to consider may include pretzels, potato chips, popcorn, etc.

4. Bread: This common table food can cause bloating and twisting in your dog’s stomach. This extends to all forms of bread, from slicing to baking. Also, when eating raw dough, the ethanol produced from yeast can make your dog drunk. Obviously, you don’t want that, so you’ll want to keep all forms of bread away from your puppies.

5. Bones: Dogs are famous for their love of bones, however, giving them table bones can be very harmful to them. Certain bones like chicken and ribs are prone to breaking easily. This can damage your dog’s throat and even suffocate him. Bones can also splinter at any point when descending, potentially damaging your insides and your stomach. It is best to give your dogs only bones that were made especially for chewing, such as those you can find at your local pet store.

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