Health Fitness

Home Workouts – Advantages of Bodyweight Cardio Over Cardio Machines

Home workouts, such as bodyweight cardio and cardio machines, are very popular methods of exercising at home. Home workouts are designed to give you more free time and flexibility in your life. Bodyweight workouts are workouts that you can do without weights while using your body as resistance. Bodyweight cardio involves putting these bodyweight exercises together in circuits to give you a cardio and strength workout. Cardio machines, such as elliptical machines, treadmills, and stationary bikes, are popular forms of cardio that people often turn to when they are overweight and want to burn fat in the comfort of their home. Advantages of Bodyweight Cardio over Cardio Machines:

* No Equipment Required – You don’t need to take up half of your living room just so you can exercise every day.

* Very little or no cost: Bodyweight cardio is free unless you buy a DVD or exercise book. You can invest in some push-up bars, pull-up bars, bands, or exercise balls to get more out of your workout, but they’re not necessary. A cardio machine will cost at least a couple hundred to a couple thousand dollars. You could be enjoying a nice vacation with that money or putting it to good use.

* Training can be done anywhere: do your workouts outside, inside, on vacation. It’s your decision. You can’t drag your cardio machine outside or take it on vacation.

* Workouts are shorter: you’re doing more work in less time. Spend more time doing the things you love.

* More focus on exercises: You will get better results if you focus on your training. Watching TV while on a cardio machine doesn’t allow you to focus on the task at hand. You need to challenge yourself to get a true cardio workout.

* Better Results – You will burn fat all day after your bodyweight workout. Your whole body is working out. Your body gets a better hormonal response when you use more muscle, therefore burning more fat for longer. Treadmills and bikes will only work your legs.

* Excitement – This is definitely more exciting than a boring cardio machine. It’s hard to have fun running on a treadmill or riding a bike indoors.

* Workout Versatility: Bodyweight cardio workouts can be modified or you can change the entire workout when it starts to get stale. I change my training every 4 weeks. Keep it from getting boring and your muscles will react better when you change your workout. You can do a few different exercises or rotate the order of them. Cardio machines are set in stone when it comes to what you can do with them. You are always doing the same movements and using the same muscles.

* Train with a partner: This is a great way to challenge yourself. They can motivate each other. This is hard to do with cardio machines unless you have 2 of them, which would take up a lot of space.

Try some bodyweight cardio today with this free bodyweight circuit.

1. Jumps (25 repetitions)

2. Bodyweight squats (25 reps)

3. Push-ups (25 repetitions)

4. Running in place – knees in the air (30 seconds)

5. Lunges (10 reps per side)

This is just my advice on bodyweight cardio home workouts. Remember to take it easy and don’t overdo it if you haven’t exercised in a while. Remember to consult your doctor before starting a new exercise routine.

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