Lifestyle Fashion

How to buy the best camu camu powder

Before buying the best Camu Camu Powder, you must know where it comes from and what it is to recognize a quality product. We’ll walk you through what it is in this article.

camu camu

“Better safe than sorry” is a common phrase often uttered by various health care experts when campaigning for good health. And this can only be achieved by strengthening the immune system to prevent the onset of diseases.

Each of the fruits and vegetables has its own special collection of nutrients that are essential for maintaining a healthy human body and unfortunately these are cheap in nature. These two characteristics allow both fruits and vegetables to become an effective solution to the relentless global preoccupation with financial matters. There are just too many fruits that can be valuable substitutes for expensive artificial immune system boosters and one of the most preferred fruits is called a berry.

What is Camu Camu?

The berry is described in such a way that it looks more like a grapefruit. Its skin is red or purple while its meat is almost whitish. In addition, the berry also has a very large sized seed. According to observation, the taste of this berry is excessively bitter, so people do not eat it easily. Even though people don’t find the fruit more pleasurable to eat on its own, it is still praised for its attractive appearance and unique aroma.

Where does it come from?

Camu camu is recognized by scientists under its scientific name Myrciaria dubia. This fruit comes from a small, leafy tree that grows along riverbanks within the rainforests of countries like Peru and Brazil. The camu camu berry became more admired from the present, which is why foreign markets also produce this one-of-a-kind nutritious fruit. At present, it has been discovered that this type of berry is planted and collected in the forests of the Asian country, Japan.

What are the nutritional benefits of camu camu?

According to studies by many health-conscious scientists, the berry offers many health benefits as it contains various types of nutrients. Some of the nutritional components of this superfruit are the following: proteins, amino acids (leucine, valine and serine), minerals (iron, calcium and phosphorus) and vitamins (thiamin, niacin and riboflavin).

Vitamin C – The berry did not gain its current popularity based on the variety of nutrients it possesses. In fact, people seek out this specific fruit because of the high concentration of vitamin C it contains. Vitamin C supplements generated by pharmaceutical companies are less used by people as people highly appreciate the good effects that superfruit can provide.

According to observations, the vitamin C that comes from camu camu, a fruit the size of a grape, produces pleasant effects on the body. According to those who have consumed the fruit regularly, their body felt more uplifted from eating the berry. Also, his bad mood was improved and this is probably one of the good effects that can be attributed to the consumption of this specific fruit. More importantly, the ascorbic acid in camu camu turned out to be great when it comes to strengthening the human immune system. With a strong immune system, you will stop the onset of colds, flu and other infections.

Anti-carcinogenic: Ascorbic acid is valuable when it comes to the prevention of some types of chronic diseases, which are based on having a poor immune system. Vitamin C, found naturally in camu camu, can act as an antioxidant unlike an artificial supplement. The human body will surely be more protected against cancer because vitamin C can fight the free radicals lurking inside the human body using its antioxidant property.

Antioxidant Property: As an antioxidant, the ascorbic acid component of the berry can fight free radicals that target the DNA of cells. Damage to this genetic component can lead to cancer, and the onset of the terrible disease can be prevented by using the power of ascorbic acid.

Brain Protection: In addition, camu camu also provides defense for the brain, which can detect the onset of threatening neurodegenerative diseases. Regular intake of the camu camu berry can then maximize brain function and this has been guaranteed to continue throughout an individual’s lifetime. Some of the diseases that can be prevented with this nutritious fruit include Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and dementia.

Blood Circulation Regulator- Camu camu is probably one of the most nutritious fruits that have existed with the sole function of strengthening the health of human beings. Among the many functions of camu camu, it has been found that the fruit can also strengthen the health of the human body by maintaining good blood circulation within the arteries and veins.

Camu camu has a very distinctive ability to evade the formation of plaques within blood vessels (atherosclerosis). In addition, the fruit promotes the flexibility of the arteries and veins, which leads to having a blood pressure that is within the normal range.

Mood stabilizer: The human brain has its own mechanism related to mood and eating camu camu can be of great help as its vitamin C content stimulates the production of serotonin in the brain. People who are still in the process of recovering from depression can eat this fruit even if they are taking antidepressant medication. Truly, you cannot witness any side effects from eating the fruit and going on an anti-depression drug therapy.

Anti-inflammatory: Inflammation is a natural response of the immune system to harmful stimuli such as foreign entities invading a healthy human body. The inflammatory reaction not only involves a certain area of ​​the body but also affects the entire body. This is more systemic in nature than local, as other parts of the body are also affected, such as the heart and arthritic joints. The vitamin C that comes from this superfruit can fight inflammation with its natural anti-inflammatory property.

Camu camu cannot be fully used to treat inflammation within the body. However, it is safe to add this nutritious fruit to the inflammation control regimen as prescribed by health professionals.

Herpes Virus Fighter- Camu camu contains phytochemicals in large amounts and studies show that these elements have the ability to handle the latent herpes virus in a human body. The herpes virus is normally inactive within the body and will only be stimulated when a person is continuously sleep deprived and under high stress. The effects of this virus can be controlled when the phytochemicals in camu camu enhance the immune system.

Camu Camu Supplements-

Camu camu berry naturally comes with various nutrients like vitamin C, amino acids, bioflavonoids, and other contents that are essential for human health. The companies produce supplements and assure customers that they do not include additives that could harm a person. This type of food supplement is presented in the structure of:




How to buy camu camu powder

Camu camu berries are manufactured by companies (such as Whole World Botanicals, Advantage Health Matters Inc., and others) into supplements to make it easier for people to ingest the superfood. However, the fruit undergoes a very complex procedure to produce a highly concentrated supplement with the fruit’s own set of nutrients.

To produce a supplement in capsule or powder form, companies first preserve the camu camu berry by storing it above freezing. The juice is extracted from the fruit and the liquid is filtered so that the solid part is completely separated.

Pure camu camu juice is dried in a vacuum that is set at a low temperature to protect the vitamin C content of the fruit. Lastly, manufacturers add non-GMO products to keep the supplement stable.

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