Digital Marketing

How to create a video sales letter

Video sales letters are an incredibly effective way to grab the attention of potential customers and customers. They’re relatively quick to create and have the power to invigorate a static web page with content that attracts, engages and converts prospects into buyers.

The components of your Video Sales Letter are simple. Is it so:

1. Sales Letter Script (copy)

2. Audio recording of the sales letter script

3. Video and/or Graphic Elements

4. Music and sound effects (optional)

Like all valuable content, it starts with the written word, or what exactly do you want to say? Successful copywriting is an art form in its own right, but with a little study and practice, one can get good at it pretty quickly. The important thing is to engage your viewer as quickly as possible so that they are engaged to the point where they stick around to hear your entire message. Make a first draft and put it aside for a day. Then go back and look at it with a critical eye to edit and review it. Get feedback from others on what feels right or wrong about the copy. Try a few different versions. Rewrite until you feel like you have an effective and persuasive script that you want to go with.

An audio recording of your copy is the second item you’ll need. This doesn’t have to be anything complicated. For many projects I simply recorded a vocal track in Garage Band or some other audio recording software, the key element to success being to record your script with enthusiasm and to do it in a “clean” recording environment. By “clean” I mean equipping yourself with a decent microphone that can deliver good audio quality and record in a place where there isn’t a lot of extraneous noise. Too often people think they can get away with poor audio and of course you can, but it will undermine the overall effectiveness of your content as viewers will be distracted by these easily fixable issues.

As you record, remember that you (or your announcer) don’t have to read the entire script perfectly in one take. Stop and start recording your voiceover as you see fit. If there is a mistake, don’t panic, just start over from an appropriate point and focus on getting the “performance” you want (yes, reading a voiceover is a type of performance) that has a good rhythm, cadence, and clarity. Note the stress and intonation of words, or the rise and fall of speech patterns so that it feels natural and genuine. Don’t be afraid to put emphasis on key words and phrases, as this is a good way to get your main points across to your viewers.

You’ve written your script, recorded the audio, now it’s time to create your visuals. Like everything else in media production, this can be as simple or complex as you like, or more precisely, whatever your budget allows. There are people in Internetland who will tell you to do it, even if it’s “quick and dirty”. They say to use text-only graphics, or just record a Powerpoint presentation for the visual. Personally, I am not one of those people. If you’re going to all this effort to produce a quality piece of content, you want to make it as exciting and visually interesting as possible to keep people watching. Find images by doing a Google image search on words and phrases in your copy that will reinforce your message. Use the text as an effect to emphasize key points and ideas.

One of the things that people forget when preparing to do a video sales letter is that they are still trying to persuade prospects to take some type of action. Whether it’s signing up for a newsletter, filling out a subscription form, or calling a toll-free number, your goal is to MOVE the viewer to do something. If they were interested in your product when they landed on your site, you already have a head start, but don’t lose your momentum. The creative use and sequencing of photos, videos, motion graphics, animations, and text have the potential to create the highest level of engagement, and when arranged with the right mix of care and taste, your final piece will have all the elements to achieve what has been said. goals.

Music and sound effects are the finishing touches on your newly created video sales letter. While these elements aren’t always critical, they can certainly have the effect of adding excitement, rhythm, and energy to your work—all important elements in keeping your prospects engaged.

This is just a brief introduction to what it takes to create an effective video sales letter. Stay tuned for future posts, which will delve into the details of how to accomplish each step of the process.

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