Arts Entertainments

Japanese Girls – Why are they so cute!

The list is long: pigeon fingers, squeaky voices, baby noises, giggles, cute makeup, air head, pig tails, flower prints, pastel one piece, furry stuffed animals, etc. Popular images shared around the world of Japanese girls are all about cuteness.

There are many plausible theories floating around the internet as to why Japanese women are so cute. Some theories range from how they are portrayed in manga and anime to have a direct effect on young Japanese women. There are also social demands from men for young women to be pretty and slim. Marketing tactics to attract business for everything cute and cuddly are all over Japan. Then there are the media, and so on. All of these reasons have some validity.

My opinion on all this is relatively straightforward. The keyword here is trends, which come and go here in Japan, along with the marketing schemes started by celebrities and media moguls. The “Kawaii” or “syndrome of tenderness”, as it is called in English, did not start overnight. I contend that it started around the second half of Japan’s “economic bubble” when prosperity swept across the country, how else could Japanese girls finance their shopping expeditions? Some experts may argue against this by saying that the origins of “kawaii” started long before this. Depending on what “kawaii” looks like, they are correct. My point of view is much more contemporary and practical.

Seika Matsuda was and continues to be the person largely credited with starting this trend for “cuteness” in the 1980s. She was the first “cute” idol, singer, and songwriter to flood the airwaves when Japan it was experiencing its economic boom and eventually its subsequent decline.

Ms. Matsuda has been hailed as the Eternal Goddess by television networks across the country. For 32 years, his influence has been felt in almost every aspect of Japanese industry. She has inspired generations of TV personalities and songwriters like Ayumi Hamasaki, who has also been idolized by almost every super cute young Japanese girl. Everything from the way she dresses to the way she puts on makeup. The way he talks and walks is imitated by cute Japanese girls.

Like Matsuda Seika, Ayumi Hamasaki has been marketed by major companies for her cuteness, as depicted in her television commercials, music videos, and live performances.

Japanese girls are cute due to the direct and indirect influences of these two women. The media helps perpetuate this cute image that young women find modern and trendy by incorporating cute dolls and feminine accessories like “Hello Kitty.” It’s all a big business that has been making millions of dollars worth of cute items and apparel for decades. Japanese girls are cute because it is fashionable and society glorifies this trend. This trend is part of the culture of Japan now and has become a huge draw for foreign tourists.

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