Health Fitness

Kettlebell exercises for HIIT training

HIIT training has become a very popular form of fat burning exercise, not only for athletes but also for professionals who want a great body but don’t have the time to spend hours in the gym at a time.

If you think of HIIT cardio as a condensed fat burning session, which also combines muscle-sculpting properties, it becomes very apparent why this will appeal to the masses. In just a 20-minute HIIT kettlebell training session, an athlete can burn over 250 calories, since a kettlebell is used to perform the exercises, the post-workout muscle repair phase can burn an additional 150 calories, which which equates to a 400 calorie burning workout for just 20 minutes. spent in the gym.

There’s really no comparison for calorie burn, perhaps with the exception of uphill cross country skiing, but how many of us have the time to do this on a daily basis?

The nature of the Kettlebell and the directional pull of the weight directly under the handle engage the full set of core muscles on each and every repetition, this is not the case with barbells and dumbbells, so Kettlebell HIIT is much more effective as a kettlebell. a workout compared to the traditional body pump and body combat group training sessions that are so popular in gyms.

High Intensity Interval Training has a few variations with some extreme classes that are simply made up of 8 extreme 30 second circuits totaling a 4 minute workout. While the evidence suggests this is effective, the more popular HIIT exercises of 30 sets in 20 minutes with kettlebells tend to produce the best results.

Since the kettlebell itself does not allow you to rest mid-repetition, muscle tissue remains contracted throughout the entire HIIT workout, and the muscle-sculpting results of this type of training can be very impressive. They are almost the dream workouts, short, intense. Burn fat, sculpt muscle and also with the factor of improving your cardiovascular system. In fact, high-intensity interval training has been shown to dramatically increase human growth hormone levels, which slows down the aging process, improves the immune system, and also helps improve an individual’s mental health.

HIIT may not be for everyone, as many people enjoy hitting the streets first thing in the morning with music burning in their eardrums and a runner’s high (a surge in endorphins), solving many problems and lowering levels. of stress of an athlete, but if you’re not willing to replace your cardio sessions, at least introduce HIIT training into your workouts, as this will keep your workout fresh and interesting and keep your body guessing what’s something to do. we all have to do to keep our bodies getting better.

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