Arts Entertainments

Lazy Sunday, watch HD TV in the late afternoon

Everyone has been in the same terrible position. It is one of those days in which you do not want to do anything, in which moving around your own house is an arduous task. You put on those sweatpants in the morning and don’t consider a wardrobe change until the sun goes down. Whether it’s a hangover or an unexpected bout of apathy, sometimes all you want to do is relax on the couch. So you slump on the couch, pizza and remote control in hand. Suddenly, tragic strikes. If it’s not dead batteries in the remote (a proverbial mishap for many), it’s probably something even more serious, like nothing good is turned on. However, in a truly final scenario, the cable could be completely disconnected, brought down by a rogue storm. This is, of course, the worst possible outcome of a well-thought-out plan to do roughly nothing all day. Like the hand of Hades, bad programming has reached out to rip out the foolproof plan beneath you.

Well, that’s a ruined day. You might as well cut your losses and revisit that pathetic collection of movies you’ve seen a thousand times. Right? Well, that may be your only recourse right now, but for your future Apathy Day, you might want to invest in something that will never fail to satisfy your need for endless, pointless television. Options are what you really need, not to mention a streaming service that isn’t subject to the myriad of glitches experienced with cable. In fact, satellite television is practically calling your name in sharp, digital, HD fashion.

Not only will you and your new high-definition flat panel display appreciate the distinct difference in picture quality, but your wallet will too. Satellite installation is usually free and monthly plans are also usually cheaper than cable. As a bonus, digital video recorders, or DVRs, come standard with most satellite setups, so you’ll never miss an episode of your favorite show. Or you can record that movie on HBO that you’ve wanted to see for so long. But if it’s one of those lazy Sundays, you might as well sit back and browse the hundreds of channels until you find the perfect crap show to satisfy your lazy cravings. The point to note here is that the options are nearly endless.

Don’t spend awake nights worrying about what could be a dismal cable viewing experience. Those sweatpants days are precious to you (not to mention necessary for purely mental health reasons), and there’s no reason for you to waste any of them worrying about a bleak programming environment. Satellite TV experiences far fewer outages per year compared to cable (1% vs. more than 5%), so you can enjoy hours of uninterrupted TV and watch in full. Just remember to order enough pizza for the whole day. It sure would be a bummer having to drag you off the couch, let alone go and open the door.

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