
Pitbull Dog Diseases

The American Pit Bull Terrier is a relatively healthy breed with few inbreeding problems. Some of the problems that exist are: congenital heart disease, hip dysplasia and hereditary cataracts.

Congenital heart disease-There are many symptoms of congenital heart disease. Some of them are: fainting, coughing, rapid breathing, weight loss and lack of appetite. Congenital heart disease manifests itself in many ways:

1) Hole in the heart: characterized by an opening between the two upper chambers of the heart. It is surgically corrected in the same way that a human heart is treated.

2) Aortic Stenosis: Blood flow is hampered by an obstruction on the left side of the heart.

3) Pulmonary stenosis: an obstruction between the lungs and the right side of the heart.

4) Mitral Dysplasia: A leaky mitral valve allows a backflow of blood from the left ventricle into the left atrium.

canine hip dysplasia– Characterized by a reluctance to use stairs, reluctance to jump, decreased range of motion of the hip, and pain after lying down. Pit bull puppies diagnosed at a young age can be treated with a common surgical procedure before arthritis sets in. The disease is caused by a ball and socket joint in the hip that does not fit well together. The resulting friction causes pain and inflammation. This can be found in dogs less than a year old, or it can take many years to develop. It is transmitted genetically from parents to puppies. The diagnosis of hip dysplasia is usually made by x-rays and a physical examination.

Canine hereditary cataracts-This is a condition defined by a loss of transparency of the lens or lens capsule. The lens will appear white and opaque. Cataracts form as a result of a water/protein imbalance that occurs in the lens. As more water enters the lens, a loss of transparency occurs. Cataracts are common in dogs with diabetes. Sugar concentrations in the lens lead to increased contact with water. Cataracts can be treated by surgical removal of the lens. The procedure is very similar to the treatment for humans.

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