
Roman Antiquities Until Now: German Hans Sacked Rome, Chinese Hans Sacked Tibet

Roman history tells us how powerful Rome dominated most of Europe, all of North Africa, and much of western Asia. It seems that there are more magnificent Roman temples in Turkey or Libya than are intact in Rome. However, while the Greeks fought the Persians to the east with names like Darius, later Rome fell to the Germans to the north with names like Hans. Which is a great irony, from the golden-haired Hans of Germania from the North Sea, to the golden-skinned Hans of China by the sea.

It’s all the same in your order, headbutts, run and run. Now it’s golden-skinned Hans who bangs on the skulls of Tibet, and he’ll keep doing it unless Big Panda says ready. And the best way we can all do this is to stand up and say, Big Panda, rest, let them pray. Your bully mentality gets in the way of all your self-righteous words and everything you say. Your actions, Big Panda, get in the way.

We see that in Europe, that everyone has evolved. Hans now visits Rome and pays by card. Hans is now welcome in Paris and Rome, in Lisbon and Venice and even east of home. He brings a mindset that makes all hugs rich, as the French have discovered, even the English since they stopped with the bombing. But there in the east, mysterious this, this thing you call a vote. What is this strange thing? Bring that here, and we’ll cut your Hans. And winkie, and dinkie, and everything else. Hans we are so special, we make the decree, and as you will discover, Hans we are special.

Out Buddha, out of the prayer rugs, stop those serene eyes. We need hardened soldiers, not wise men. We are the wise, only we decide. Whether you live, or run and hide. The German Hans only brought his army, not enough people to control. So they looted and looted, raped, burned, but finally went home. We are not that same Hans. We have people in abundance, more than cattle, easily handled by the score.

Now Hans’s soldiers with rifles help them out of their farm, as it is needed for the new coal factories. A valley of blue skies will cease to be. And so the coast of China, by imperial decree, will build cities of ten million people to sell things to you and me. They move many off the farms and out of the villages to be flooded.

The world’s largest new dam, just completed, in China, of course, according to The Economist magazine, is perhaps the dumbest, most environmentally, most disorganized of a poorly designed dam disaster in the history of many human follies so far. The Economist says that as the new lake begins to fill, it will, and has since, smelled of rot and toxins. Imagine this oldest civilization and how many thousands of years of tombs throughout this massive area.

Now that the river is blocked and begins to fill this vast valley and canyon, more ancient bodies are now loosened in their graves by the rising water, and are now beginning to float to the surface and begin to spread any ancient disease. from the plague dead long ago, and now back with us, in the water and the air, dead animals rotting on the sides of uncleaned ravines. Ah, but we are the largest civilization, you’ll see. Nothing new under the sun. Except democracy.

The Economist concluded that this multi-billion dollar wonder is destined to severely pollute that part of China, and then at least accumulate sediment. But for Emperor Hans, what a way to show off. By the billions, no matter what else might make sense. Because we are the new Hans. And we are Tibet, future tension. Zeig Heil, all bow down, the mighty Caesar Hans is entering the kingdom. Duck.

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