Health Fitness

Six good tips to lose fat

Does a person need to starve themselves to make up for the extra calories consumed while on vacation? Absolutely not! This triggers the body’s starvation mode and actually causes one to gain weight. If the body does not receive a certain amount of calories, it will store fat to protect itself. You will think that you need to use the fat for energy in the future. Here are tried and true rules to follow:

1. It is rare to lose more than 2 pounds of fat. You will also typically lose muscle, which will hurt your weight loss efforts.

2. Reducing daily calories for the day by more than 500 will also trigger starvation mode.

3. Diet is only part of the routine. Exercise is necessary to increase metabolism and speed up the weight loss process.

Strength training with weights and heart-healthy cardiovascular training are the best bets for losing weight.

4. Spot reduction is a myth. Certain areas of the body show faster weight loss and give us the illusion of spot reduction. Train the whole body and the weight will be lost.

5. Food choice is more important than calorie count. The body will treat 100 calories of broccoli differently than 100 calories of donuts. A cleaner diet with more vegetables and lean meats while eliminating fried foods and fast foods is a sure path to your goals.

6. Water is VERY important. Many of us are perpetually dehydrated from our consumption of coffee and tea and need water to allow the body to function properly and keep the metabolism running.

1 ounce. of water per pound of body weight is a great goal, but you may need some time to get acclimated to that amount. These six rules will do you good in your weight loss aspirations!

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