
Steve Jobs A true visionary and 5 life lessons

Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn’t matter to me. Going to bed at night saying that we have done something wonderful, that is what matters to me. -Steve Jobs.

Yes. We all know who Steve Jobs is. He was the guy who made the iPhone, right? Although that’s correct, he wasn’t just the guy who created iPhones, he’s the one who first put design art above anything else. He is the one who made Apple Computer the most attractive and sexy products on the market. Everything about each product matches each other, each product has a sleek design that no one else can copy, and in today’s world, people are in awe when you walk around with an Apple logo somewhere. Steve Jobs has been an idol to me since I was a child, although I never met Steve, he has taught me a lot. Let me explain…

I am going to list the 5 most important things I learned from Steve Jobs, and I hope that can help you later in the business world as well.

1) Fake it before you do it.

In 1975 Apple was nothing more than a garage shop in Los Altos California with 2 people building computers but Steve knew that major tech companies were already starting up in Palo Alto California which is now Silicon Valley aka the EPICENTER of technology. Then he went out and bought a PO BOX in Palo Alto, and registered Apple on it, so people would think it was a much bigger company than it actually was. Clever or clever?

2) The university is good, but not great.

Jobs attributes part of the development of the Macintosh to a course he took in class at Reed University, but if he hadn’t left it in 1975, Apple would never have created it. What would you choose?

3) Value talented people.

Jobs had a talent for recognizing other talents. Steve Jobs was not a technological person, he did not know computers or coding, he knew exactly how to make people work together and he had a vision that no one else had. He got the most value from people, which speaks for itself. Just look at 2 companies that he created… Apple and Pixar

4) Do not value money because it has no value

Steve’s salary while he was the CEO of Apple was $1 a year. Did you know that? He tried to show and teach his employees that money is worthless. Although he owned the majority of Apple stock, and that MUCH makes up for his $1 a year salary. — That is beside the point.

5) Time

This last lesson I learned from Steve Jobs is also the most important. We all know that Steve Jobs died last year, and he was still quite young, barely in his 50s. This goes to show that no matter how successful you are, how rich you become, nothing is more important on this planet than time. No man is rich enough to buy back his past. Life on earth is short, make it count. Rest in peace Steve Jobs.

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