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The Long Island Medium: Are the readings REAL? (or just new age nonsense?)

So is Theresa Caputo the real deal, or just another famous psychic medium who is doomed to disappoint us all?

Can she communicate with spirit… Or, is the TV show just a well-orchestrated form of spiritual entertainment and new age nonsense that we really should ignore?

The funny thing is that people who have an opinion on Long Island Medium usually fall into 4 separate camps.

  • 1 – True blue believers who view their work (and show) religiously
  • 2- Cynics and staunch skeptics who think that ALL the media are fake, scammers and phonies.
  • 3 – Open-minded people who just haven’t made up their minds about the spirits, the afterlife OR the middle of Long Island! (and other spiritual psychics too)
  • 4 – The VERY small segment of the population that has actually experienced a reading with Theresa first hand…and usually end up in the blue true believer camp, only by virtue of PERSONAL proof and actual experience to substantiate what do they believe. (certainly for ME… the only real opinion worth listening to very closely)

As someone who has studied psychics and mediums and paranormal experiences of all kinds for many, many years…I can tell you that NO amount of reviews, opinions or articles like this will EVER convince you that psychics are real, or that the afterlife is real. of death is true, or that our relatives on the other side can communicate with any of us.

How for me?

The first 5 years or so that I read and studied psychics and mediums, I became VERY convinced that these things were true.

That being said…it wasn’t until I had my own personal psychic experience of a very spiritual nature that I became a believer out of necessity and through irrefutable evidence, rather than simply trying to decide which side of the street to believe in, or which arguments made more sense.

What happened?

I was visited by a coworker who died in the middle of the night, suddenly, over 1000 miles away, he came and said goodbye… only to go to work in the morning to find out he had a brain hemorrhage in the medium. of the night.

A psychic reading I had with a medium several weeks later confirmed this experience, and to be completely honest with you, I was so shocked by what had happened that I hadn’t told another SOUL. (and the medium, a well-known local spiritual advisor, told me specifically what had happened, what was said and even how it was said… all 100% accurate and impossible for her to know)

What do YOU ​​think about the Long Island Medium? What do YOU ​​believe about psychic mediums and the afterlife itself?

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