
The taboo of ingratitude: gratitude brings us closer to the genuine God

The worst thing we can do and the last way to cause ourselves poverty and unhappiness is not to have gratitude for life itself and for what we are living. Think about it. If the gratitude that brings us closer to God, existence, source, reality and everything is a thought that is already working in your mind, that is good and great. If not, and you are living a “bad life”, I can only tell you bluntly as I have told myself bluntly: “Work on it”. I mean, if we’re going to get out of genuine depression, we have to take the first step out of the dark pit of despair, no one is ultimately going to do it for us. People can help, but we must start the work on ourselves. and later rationally accept help.

We can shout “poor me” all we want, and accept a loaf of bread as charity and stay in the same condition all we want. But unless we take action, all charity and help means nothing. Charity and help mean something when we use it to genuinely improve ourselves. Without that improvement of ourselves, for ourselves, everything means nothing, even the help we receive. A genuine display of gratitude is taking nothing for granted and genuinely getting better at living and earning.

What I mean by winning is this: I don’t mean a total “kill ’em all and stand on the mountain” competitive victory. I mean creating creative gains for yourself that enhance everything around you and within you. Competitive victory that “kills them all” means nothing. But the creative victory that makes everything better, and you better too, means everything.

Thinking about reality and acting rationally and realistically about what we think makes us more real. Especially when what we think and act is in line with God, existence, source, reality, and the all of all. We are not competing with God, existence, source, reality, and everything in an empty way to become what God, existence, source, reality, and everything is, but we are creating with everything, to improve ourselves. our reality. as a whole, as well as ourselves. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for wisdom and the full realization of potential, but I’m all for Jones’ version of the “Golden Rule” which is:

“The good that I really want for myself, ultimately, I want for everyone!”

I want genuine good for everyone in their own ability to handle it, friend or foe, because (and this is hard) I want to improve all of life and existence to benefit, not just my small part. I am thankful for what makes me thrive and I am thankful for what makes me genuinely grow better as a whole being. Gratitude brings us closer to the genuine God, the existence, the source, the reality and the whole, after all, and there is nothing wrong with that except when we deviate from it. That is my reality and I stick to it.

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