Health Fitness

Top 10 Health Tips

We are continually bombarded with tips and advice on how to live a healthier life. Many of us end up doing nothing because we feel overwhelmed to make a change! Below are 10 simple and some not very traditional tips to start improving your health and well-being.

1. Preparation:

Preparation may not sound like traditional health advice, but it really is the foundation on which to develop good habits, which will then determine your results. Grab a notebook and start “forecasting your future” by creating an action plan that involves all areas of your life. Think about what parts of your life aren’t working and write down practical strategies to get closer to your goals.

For example, exercising three times a week, eating more than 5 fruits and vegetables a day (write down which foods and when), and managing my stress levels by reading for an hour a day.

This tip is all about making sure you know exactly what you need to do to achieve your goals.


Every time we start a new habit or routine, a push to get started may be needed. I don’t like to use the words willpower and motivation because they are such fickle emotions that they can fluctuate from day to day. We don’t need willpower to brush our teeth every morning, nor to make healthy habits!

It’s important to clarify your goals first with an action plan and then go into it. I recommended that he find a professional to help him formulate a plan of action and hold him accountable. This really helps, especially until the habit takes over.

3. Avoid “Diets”

Who hasn’t heard of the cabbage soup diet or tried some wacky diet that cut out 90% of your usual foods! Dieting or following an eating plan that deviates drastically from your normal eating habits will only set you up for failure. Yes, in the short term you can lose a few kilos. But I guarantee that in a few weeks after going off your “diet” you will regain all, if not more weight than before. The fact is that “diets” are neither pleasant nor convenient, therefore they are not sustainable. We really know what “good” foods are, but due to lack of time and knowledge on how to prepare some foods, we take shortcuts. Try to start introducing more “good” foods into your diet.

4. Eat well

Along with tip 3, it’s important to fuel your body with the right nutrients. Try to have a big breakfast with plenty of protein, a small serving of carbohydrates and some fat. Example; 2 eggs, whole wheat toast and 2 small tablespoons of avocado. This kind of breakfast will keep you going all morning. Eat every 3-4 hours or as suits your body. Some people prefer diets high in protein, as this helps them feel more energetic, and some want lighter meals. Talk to a professional for additional help.


No healthy action plan is without exercise! Exercise is very important to live an energized life, age better, and be healthier. It can affect all areas of your life, including your stress levels, sleep patterns, and digestion. Experiment with various forms of exercise to see what works for you. Try to do some form of cardio every day, resistance training, and flexibility exercises several times a week (stretching or yoga) so that you can create a healthier body.

6. Sleep

Since most of us lead extremely busy lives, it is often sleep that is sacrificed so that we can get more out of our day. Reduced quantity and quality of sleep can lead to a suppressed immune system and make you more prone to grogginess, illness, and increased stress. Most adults need between 6 and 8 hours of quality sleep a night. How much leaves you feeling alert and vibrant the next morning is up to you. Make sleep a priority by taking time to wind down at the end of each night in a way that works best for you.

7. Digestion

Digestion really is the cornerstone of good health. If you don’t have good digestion, then your body can’t absorb nutrients from food. A healthy gut can prevent disease and help you feel and look healthier. If you are experiencing constipation, you may have headaches and even muscle and joint pain. Your digestive system communicates with other parts of your body and has a significant impact on your overall health. If you feel like you’re clogged, start gradually increasing the fiber in your diet. Consume 1.5 to 2 liters of water a day to help get things going and start looking at the areas of your life that contribute to an unhappy gut. Stress, eating when distracted, certain foods, and lack of exercise may all be to blame.

8. Stress

Stress in general can be healthy for us as it drives us to keep going and achieve our goals in life. Ongoing stress, on the other hand, can cause anxiety, headaches, insomnia, and fatigue when left to run rampant. Stress can arise in multiple ways; yelling at your partner, waking up at 3 am every night, feeling tired after 8 hours of sleep, feeling depressed, or just “blah.”

I’m not going to suggest soaking in a bubble bath or giving yourself a massage to stop your stress, as these are not long-term solutions. The solution lies in examining your lifestyle and assessing which areas of your life feel out of control. Our happiness in life is in direct proportion to the amount of control we feel we have over our lives. If you’re stressed about being overweight, then do something about it! If a relationship is leaving you exhausted and unhappy, then you need to make a drastic decision for your long-term health. Stress management is an ongoing process of managing your lifestyle so that you have a sense of control.

9. Relationships

More and more studies show that for humans to be healthy and happy, we need to build strong supportive networks and relationships. Having friends is good for our health! Take time each day to connect with your partner, children, and/or friends. As a woman, we actually release endorphins (happy hormones) by having a good gossip.

10. Action and perseverance

Being armed with great tips and techniques is all very well, but unless you really do what you learn and do it consistently, then you’re no different than if you didn’t know this in the first place!

Choose a few tips to slowly incorporate into your life. The more consistent you are, the better your results will be in the long run.

Nalisha Patel

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