What is the Best Mold Removal Spray?

Best Mold Removal Spray

If you’ve noticed mold spores popping up in your home, it may be time to get rid of them for good. The right cleaning products can help, but you should also consider having the affected area tested by a mold removal expert. Those experts can test the type of mold present, and then create a plan to clean the area and prevent it from growing back.

The best mold removal sprays can remove both visible signs of fungus and the odors that accompany it. Many of the options available will work on a variety of surfaces, from clothing fabrics to drywall and wood. Some require dilution or a special nozzle to use, while others include built-in sprayers and can connect to garden hoses for ease of application.

When deciding on the best product for your needs, think about what surface you will be using it on and how regularly. If you plan to apply the spray frequently, a more gentle option that doesn’t require scrubbing might be best. Alternatively, you could opt for a stronger product that will be more effective when used occasionally and will need more scrubbing to remove stubborn discoloration.

What is the Best Mold Removal Spray?

If you’re looking for a spray to tackle any residual mold staining that may be present, try this bleach-free formula from CLR. It’s compatible with most porous and non-porous surfaces, including wood, and promises to eliminate odors as well as shift the color of any mildew or mold that may be left behind. It also works on a wide variety of fabrics, though it’s advisable to always test the product first on an out-of-sight part of your fabric (like the back of an armchair or the base of a handbag).

Another option is this industrial-strength disinfectant from Total Solutions. The EPA-approved formula is often seen in schools and hospitals, and can effectively kill mildew and mold as well as a host of other fungi. While it can be used on most surfaces, it should be applied with gloves and left to sit for 30 minutes before rinsing — so it’s not ideal for quick use.

You can also opt for a gel remover, like this one from Kilrock. This option gives you more control over the application, which is great for fiddly areas of your home, such as grout or any nooks and crannies around bathtubs, sinks, and shower cubicles. The gel needs to sit for 30 minutes before rinsing, too, so it isn’t an instant-removal solution.

For those who prefer to stay away from harsh chemicals, this plant-based cleaner from Benefect is a good choice. It’s free of dyes and chemicals and doesn’t produce strong fumes that might require ventilation or additional protection, so it’s ideal for those with sensitive lungs. The spray can be used on most surfaces, including linoleum and drywall, but it’s not suitable for use on rugs or carpeting, or on fish tanks or aquariums. It can also be used on food surfaces, though it’s recommended that you thoroughly rinse and scrub the area after use.

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