
Who are you? You are pure pontifical, you have unlimited possibilities

Much can be said about the achievement of success, fulfillment, joy, great health, prosperity and abundance in life; which is essentially what this blog is about. However, fundamental to really achieve great wealth, health and success in all areas of your life, you must know one thing and that I can summarize in the Latin phrase …

Nosce te ipsum – Know yourself

You must know yourself. In all humanity there is a deep hunger, a thirst if you will for the knowledge of a buried life. I love that Mathew Arnolds does it.

“But often, on the busiest streets in the world,

But often, in the heat of strife,

An indescribable desire arises

After the knowledge of our buried life:

A thirst to waste our fire and restless strength

In the pursuit of our true and original course;

A longing to inquire

In the mystery of this beating heart

So wild, so deep in us – to know

Where our lives come from and where they are going.

“The buried life”

Therefore, I ask the question again; Who or what are you anyway? To answer this question, let’s go to what philosophers, spiritual and metaphysical teachers have said for years depending on their worldview: man is a highly complex machine, a sleeping god, a person made in the image of God, and / or a monkey. naked. . Personally, I choose not to participate in the naked ape category.

The essence of who you really are, your true self, is invisible but very real. What I mean is your ‘Spirit’. For thousands of years, humanity has recognized that it has a spirit. This non-material aspect of yourself is an animating force of higher intelligence connected to a transcendent, supreme, infinite intelligence (God), which is the source of infinite possibilities. If this is true, then we must examine what is spirit or God; what I mean by this is, what are the characteristics attributed to God.

God is a creative force, the matrix of all matter.

God is the cause and effect of himself

God is the self there is: there is no beginning or end, there is the only first reality, the only main reality, the source of all other realities.

God is infinite, beyond reach, beyond measure, the whole and the end of existence.

God is transcendent, beyond our world, beyond mere mortals, otherwise

God is immanent – God is present in all creation – the creative force permeates, penetrates and fills all of creation, the entire universe and the cosmos; simply, God is everywhere

God is omniscient: God knows everything, the ultimate source of all knowledge and all intelligence.

God is abundance: unlimited, inexhaustible and unlimited

Ok, I know you came here for a theology or spirituality lesson. But can you really separate the two? So knowing and connecting with the spiritual aspect of yourself is the key to unlocking Wealth Health & Success in all areas of your life.

If you can believe with me, that everything on earth is made of an original life-giving force, the source, God, and all things proceed from this source, the invisible creative force / energy, God. Now, if the creative power of God, the invisible creative source, permeates all things that exist and this source IS inexhaustible, endless, unlimited abundance, from which new forms of life are constantly being created. This means that everything you see on the planet and in the Universe and the Cosmos is made by and through the creative force – source – God.

I want to make it absolutely clear that there is no limit or lack in the supply of God, the creative force, the source of all that exists.

I know it may seem repetitive, but it is absolutely essential that you understand.

I love writing in the ancient spiritual text of the Bible – In Him, I live, move and have my being – wow, how cool is that! That power that created the universe; that permeates and fills the spaces in, through and between the forms of the visible universe directly down to the smallest unit of matter in the universe (particles) more on that later … that very creative life force – energy – source – is in me – it impregnates me – it fills me – it’s me – YOU ARE GETTING IT NOW …..

I don’t know if I mentioned it before, but the Torah – that ancient spiritual text says and I’m paraphrasing here – God created man – breathed His breath – His life force – His energy – His source – His essence – His spirit – His characteristics – in man and man became a living being …. WOW …. IT IS THE IMAGE THAT IS GETTING CLEARER NOW …..

The best example I can give regarding this is: if you can imagine the ocean with all its power and brute force now if you take a glass and dip it in the ocean, it is not what is in the glass part of the ocean and not What is there in glass that has the same characteristics and properties as the ocean, but to a lesser degree in terms of power and brute force?

Let’s recap: these are the fundamental principles:

Man has a spirit, he is not simply a human being who has an occasional spiritual experience, he is a spirit who has human experiences. Man is made in the image of God. Man became a living being by receiving God’s breath, His breath, His essence, His energy, His Life Force, essentially His characteristics. Man has transcendence over his environment, the cosmos in which we are located, and can act in a significant way to change the course of both human and cosmic events; In short, the cosmic system is open to rearrangement by human beings. Man is creative and has creative power: the ability to imagine / create new things. The man is intelligent, has the ability to reason and know.

So, I affirm, if you and I were made in the image of God, we possess a spirit, which in turn has all the characteristics and attributes of God to a lesser degree. So wealth, health and success are inherent in our own nature, in our own being. In chapter one of The Science of Getting Rich, Wallace D. Wattles states: “Regardless of what is said in praise of poverty, the fact is that it is not possible to live a truly complete or successful life unless one is rich. … No. Man can rise to his highest possible height in talent or soul development unless he has a lot of money; because to develop the soul and develop talent he must have many things to use, and he cannot have these things unless that I have money to buy them. with “.

Now, whether you agree with the above statement or not, you must admit that there is a tone of truth to it.

Bob Proctor states that “material wealth is a normal and natural state in which you can live.”

You have deep deposits of greatness, wealth, and sheer potentiality latent within you. The awakening of who you really are and the development of those vast resources within you will bring about the manifestation of wealth, health and success in all areas of your life.

I ask this question, who are you? Who do you want to be? Where do you want stay?

If your answer to the above questions is: I want to live to my fullest potential and manifest prosperity in all areas of my life. I hope you continue on this journey of self-discovery and together we will create Wealth Health & Success in all areas of our lives …

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