Health Fitness

Why do some people gain weight after pregnancy? – He must know!

Why do some people gain weight after pregnancy? One of the reasons is the disturbed sleep pattern; the wrong amount of sleep can equal pounds on the scale. Studies show that people who sleep less tend to crave foods high in calories and carbohydrates, and have similar blood sugar and insulin levels to people who likely have diabetes. The second is that when you are tired you crave more food. But that’s not all, your metabolism also slows down. The combination causes people to gain weight after pregnancy.

Think about your eating habits, you may have increased your portion sizes during your pregnancy and now reducing portions will help promote weight loss. Focus on healthy options, fruits, vegetables, lean protein, and whole grains. Get all the junk food out of the house, if there is any it is easy to be tempted. Avoid grazing; you can consume enormous amounts of calories eating this way and not even realize you’re doing it.

Another reason for weight gain is lack of exercise, many new moms are tired and don’t burn enough calories. It’s hard to find time to exercise after bringing home your new bundle of joy. Take time to walk with your baby; it will actually give you higher energy levels. Movement is good for the body, mind, and spirit. Drink plenty of water. This is great, especially if you are breastfeeding.

There are medical conditions that may also be responsible; Postpartum inflammation of the thyroid gland (thyroiditis) can cause enormous weight gain. A simple blood test will confirm the diagnosis, in most cases the thyroid will return to normal; Others will need to take thyroid medication to control symptoms. I personally know a mother who gained 15 pounds in 2 months. It was a thyroid problem. She managed to regulate it with proper diet and exercise.

New moms need to be realistic, it can take time to shed the post-pregnancy pounds. Eat a well-balanced diet, exercise, and in most cases you will lose pounds. Don’t be discouraged if it takes six months to a year to lose weight. Remember that your body changes after giving birth, a slow and healthy loss is desired. After all, it took 9 months to gain weight, it will probably take that long to lose it. Do not go on any extreme diets as this can really affect your overall health.

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