Secrets of the Freemason’s Book – Chamber of Reflection and Alchemy in Masonic Philosophy

REFLECTION ROOM “Let your heart, then, be perfect with the Lord our God, to walk in his statutes and to keep his commandments…” 1 Kings 8:61 According to Jewish literature and traditions, great care was taken of the personal condition of each Israelite who entered the Temple for Divine worship. The Talmud dictated the following requirements: “No man shall enter […]

What is a Real Estate Release Agreement?

You don’t have to be a real estate expert to have heard of release agreements. The release is one of the most common types of contract in the world of law. They are used to allow a company to use someone’s image for commercial purposes. However, a real estate release agreement is not exactly the same. In most cases, prospective […]

Why people don’t seek mental health treatment

Due to the increase in school shootings in the United States, there is an ongoing debate about solutions. One of the most sought after causes behind mass shootings is the mental state of the shooters themselves. Most mass shooters have a few things in common with each other. 1. Growing up in a fatherless home 2. I was taking prescription […]

Safety tips for children in soccer

Let’s face it: In America, soccer is king. It’s the social glue that holds together countless communities, groups of friends, and even entire families, with millions of people gathering in the stands and around television screens annually to share the excitement of a great game. In some towns, it would not be a surprise if a child made his first […]

The greatest discovery of Immanuel Kant

The Sumerian culture at the dawn of civilization had a seven-day week; each day had 24 hours and each hour had 60 minutes. From his geometric mathematical intuition we inherited clocks and watches, and went on to develop technology capable of transporting information through millions of years of space-time. However, the Sumerians had no idea about the mathematics of infinity, […]

What can a traffic lawyer do for you?

Any time you are in trouble with the law, it is crucial to find a lawyer that is best suited to your particular needs, in order to have a better chance of winning your court case; at the same time, you can avoid paying a hefty fine and other penalties, or, if you want, you can get compensation for yourself. […]