Which is Better Electric Toothbrush Or Normal?

Electric Toothbrush

In a world where there’s a smart version of every gadget and appliance, it’s hard to determine which products are nice-to-haves and which actually improve your life. But one category that seems to be always getting a boost from technology is the humble toothbrush, with smart versions offering the ability to track brushing duration, frequency and intensity via an app on your phone.

The latest research on electric toothbrushes supports what many dental hygienists have been saying for years: they are more effective than manual brushes at removing plaque and preventing gum disease. A new large study, published in the journal Clinical Periodontology, tracked the progress of 2,819 adults for 11 years and found that electric toothbrush users experienced a significantly higher reduction in gingivitis than those who used manual toothbrushes.

This is partly due to the design of an toothbrush electric. It’s often smaller and easier to grip, which is especially important for kids and toddlers who may not have the dexterity to control a manual toothbrush with ease. In addition, most models have built-in timers that help ensure people are brushing for two minutes twice a day—the recommended amount for optimal cleaning.

Which is Better Electric Toothbrush Or Normal?

In addition to these extra features, electric toothbrushes often have more bristles than manual ones and can vibrate or oscillate, which can help dislodge food caught around braces or bridges, and get into the nooks and crannies of teeth that are hard to reach with a manual brush. Some models also offer different settings for varying levels of intensity.

Whether you choose an electric or manual toothbrush for your child, a good way to start is by letting them know how important it is to brush thoroughly. And while some models have fun character themes that can make brushing more of a treat, it’s important to focus on brushing the right way.

That means brushing in soft circles for two minutes twice a day and not using too much pressure. It’s also crucial to clean all surfaces of the teeth, including the backs and chewing surface.

And don’t forget to rinse the mouth with water after brushing and use fluoride toothpaste. A quality, low-cost electric toothbrush is a great investment in your child’s oral health, but it’s still important to monitor your child’s brushing habits and be aware of any issues that might arise, like receding gums or tooth decay.

BabyGearLab Senior Review Editor Wendy Schmitz has been reviewing and testing children’s products for nearly a decade, and has hands-on experience in parenting and product evaluation. She is a mom of two and a certified pediatric dental hygienist.

For this toothbrush review, we looked at more than 25 models from the leading brands and tested a variety of features, functions and designs, considering feedback from kid testers and a consultation with a pediatric dentist to find our top picks. Our winners all received excellent marks for cleaning, ergonomics and functionality, and were highly rated by dentists and parent reviewers on BabyGearLab. They are available at select pharmacies, grocery stores and online retailers and range in price from $17 to $25.

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