
3 fun educational activities for 2-year-olds

It shouldn’t come as a surprise when you suddenly get bored with one or two activities that used to be your favorites; it just means that you need to transition to activities that are now more age-appropriate and that will make you understand your actions. , feelings and behavior more.

If your child recently turned 2, here are some fun educational activities you can try with him:

Simon says

Simon Says is a simple yet classic game enjoyed by children of all ages. In young children, playing a game like this will help improve their ability to follow directions and improve their gross motor skills and receptive language.

Start by being the leader, saying Simon says followed by a simple direction like “touch your belly” or “raise your hand.” After a while, make the instructions a bit more complex, like “tap your right ear” or “jump 3 times.”

You can make the game a little more physical to keep your child energized by asking him to grab something, hide, or go somewhere (to the refrigerator, by his bed, under the window). Don’t forget to give him his turn or be the leader!

Body tracking

All you need is a large sheet of paper (big enough that your child can fit lying down) and a couple of crayons and you will have a fun afternoon activity. Basically, your kid has to lie on the paper while you trace his body. Once you have your child’s silhouette down, you can go ahead and fill in the face: draw the eyes, ears, mouth, nose, etc.

Having him lie down without moving while you track helps him develop his sense of self and self-control. Drawing the parts of the body and showing him where the parts go further enhances his ability to identify the parts of the body.

If your child hesitates to lie down, don’t force him, start by tracing his hand or foot!

Hide and seek toy

This is an activity that will help improve your child’s listening, problem solving, memory, and social skills. Pick at least 3 of your favorite toys and then hide it in various places within your room. Start in easy places like under your pillow or behind a chair.

Have him look for the toys, giving you clues and saying “warmer” or “colder” as a guide. Eventually, you can choose more difficult hiding places or move to a larger room.

It is time for your toddler to change his activities; Try these fun educational activities for 2-year-olds.

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