Lifestyle Fashion

4 bad traits that you should not have when communicating with your partner

Being able to get your message across clearly can have a huge impact on how your relationship will fare. If you know how to communicate with your partner in everything, then the two of you must be soul mates. But if there are constant arguments, fights and not knowing why the two of you do not understand each other, it can be a communication problem.

1. Be indirect
The first problem is being indirect with your partner. You try to get your message across, but you don’t get to the point. You never say clearly what you mean. By doing this, your partner will feel frustrated and angry that you don’t say what you have to say. Relationships suffer when one partner feels that something is hidden and the other continues to give the illusion.

2. Be passive
Being passive is when you don’t react in an argument or don’t comment on anything your partner says. You prefer not to say anything and let things be. This is a big problem because this approach to communication would leave the other party confused and frustrated. How could the other partner know what you wanted or if you disagreed with something? A healthy relationship does not mean that one of the two is happy. He goes hand in hand.

3. Be antagonistic
When communication involves angry, aggressive, or hostile tones, you are being antagonistic. By communicating with your partner in this way, you open up a lot of space for quarrels and heated arguments. Nobody likes to be yelled at or verbally attacked. When this happens, the other partner becomes defensive and constructive communication is ruled out.

4. Have a one-sided communication
Although it is similar to being passive, a one-sided communication is the complete opposite. This is when you or your partner unknowingly talk more than you listen. It is frustrating for the other party to feel left out of the conversation and forced to listen. The partner who talks a lot claims to know everything. When the other person tries to say something, the know-it-all simply speaks up or argues to get her point across.

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