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But what are the basic components and definitions of child abuse and maltreatment?

It is easy to take for granted what we know and understand as a definition of child abuse. Child abuse as a concept really only emerged after World War II. Prior to this, there was only the concept of child cruelty, and the threshold test for child cruelty would have most people clench their toes by today’s standards. Definitions and standards of child abuse have changed and developed over time. Here we discuss what we generally define and how we can explore them further.

Abuse and neglect are forms of maltreatment of a child. Someone may abuse or neglect a child by causing harm or by failing to act to prevent harm. Children can be abused in a family or in an institutional or community setting, by people they know or, more rarely, by a stranger. They can be abused by an adult or adults, or by another child or children.

physical abuse

Physical abuse can involve hitting, shaking, throwing, poisoning, burning or scalding, drowning, suffocating, or causing physical harm to a child. Physical harm can also be caused when a parent or caregiver fabricates the symptoms or deliberately induces the disease in a child.

emotional abuse

Emotional abuse is the persistent emotional maltreatment of a child that causes severe and persistent adverse effects on the child’s emotional development. It can involve conveying to children that they are worthless or unloved, inadequate, or valued only to the extent that they meet another person’s needs. May present age or developmentally inappropriate expectations placed on children. These may include interactions that are beyond the child’s developmental capacity, as well as overprotection and limiting exploration and learning, or preventing the child from engaging in normal social interaction.

It may involve seeing or hearing abuse from another person. It can involve severe bullying, which often makes children feel scared or in danger, or the exploitation or corruption of children. Some level of emotional abuse is involved in all types of child maltreatment, although it can occur on its own. That is why when children are submitted to a child protection plan, they are registered under emotional abuse as well as another form of child abuse, in general.

sexual abuse

Sexual abuse is forcing or inciting a child or young person to engage in sexual activity, including prostitution, whether or not the child knows what is happening. Activities may involve physical contact or non-penetrative acts. They can include non-contact activities, such as making children watch or produce sexual images online, viewing sexual activity, or encouraging children to behave in sexually inappropriate ways.


Neglect is the persistent failure to meet a child’s basic physical and/or psychological needs, likely to result in serious impairment to the child’s health or development. Neglect can occur during pregnancy as a result of substance abuse by the mother. Once a child is born, neglect can involve a parent or caregiver failing to:

• provide adequate food, clothing and shelter (including foreclosure or abandonment).

• protect a child from physical and emotional harm or danger

• ensure adequate supervision (including the use of inappropriate sitters)

• ensure access to appropriate medical care or treatment.

It can also include neglect or failure to respond to the child’s basic emotional needs.

Domestic abuse is:

Any incident of threatening conduct, violence, or abuse (psychological, physical, sexual, financial, or emotional) between people who are or have been intimate or family partners or in a close/associated relationship, regardless of gender or sexuality. This can be anyone and relatives are defined as mother, father, son, daughter, brother, sister, and grandparents, whether directly related, in-laws, or in-laws.”

Authorities have expanded the definition to include violence by family members, as well as between adults who are or were intimate partners. It should also be noted that this could include a vulnerable person, adult or child, living in an environment where you witness domestic abuse. All victims of domestic abuse must be treated compassionately and according to their own individual needs, without making assumptions or stereotyping.

The impact of emotional abuse

There is increasing evidence of the adverse long-term consequences for children’s development when they have been subjected to sustained emotional abuse. Emotional abuse has a major impact on a developing child’s mental health, behavior, and self-esteem. It can be especially damaging in childhood.

The underlying emotional abuse can be just as important, if not more so, than other more visible forms of abuse in terms of its impact on the child. In families where the child experiences a low level of emotional warmth and a high level of criticism, negative incidents may have a more damaging impact on the child.

Domestic abuse, adult mental health problems, substance abuse, or racism by a caregiver can run in families where children are exposed to emotional abuse and, in extreme cases, can lead to suicide.

The impact of sexual abuse

Disturbed behavior, including self-harm, inappropriate sexual behavior, sadness, depression, and loss of self-esteem, have been linked to sexual abuse. As far as children with disabilities are concerned, these behaviors have sometimes been wrongly attributed to their disability without real evaluation of their cause. The adverse effects of sexual abuse can last into adulthood.

Various characteristics of sexual abuse have been linked to the severity of the impact, including:

– the degree of premeditation

– the degree of threat and coercion

– sadism and strange or unusual elements

It would be misleading to suggest that most children who are abused will become abusers themselves. However, adults who sexually abuse may have been exposed to sexual abuse, domestic abuse and disruption of care as children.

Sexual abuse occurs in all communities and is not acceptable in any.

The impact of neglect

Serious neglect of young children is associated with significant impairment in growth and intellectual development. Neglect can affect a child’s ability to cope with limits, routines, basic daily living, and self-care.

Persistent neglect can lead to serious impairment in health and development, and long-term difficulties in social functioning, relationships, and educational progress. Carelessness can also result, in extreme cases, in the death of children.

domestic abuse

Domestic abuse is likely to have a detrimental effect on the health and development of children. When identified, an initial assessment may be necessary.

Children living in families where they are exposed to domestic abuse have been shown to be at risk of long-term injury, behavioral, emotional, physical, cognitive, attitudinal, gender, relationship and developmental problems.

All who work with families must be alert to the frequent interrelationship between domestic abuse and child abuse.

The impact of physical abuse

Physical abuse can directly lead to neurological damage, physical injury, pain and disability, or in extreme cases, death. Harm can be caused to a child both by the abuse itself and by abuse that takes place in a broader family or institutional context of conflict and aggression.

Physical abuse has been linked to aggressive behavior, emotional and behavioral problems, and educational difficulties. When a child is disabled, the injuries or behavioral symptoms may be wrongly attributed to her disability rather than the abuse. Professionals must be careful not to attribute possible indicators of abuse to racial, cultural, or religious stereotypes.

Let us know Consider the effects of child abuse on an imaginary child.

This is a case study. This is an imaginary one. But it is a realistic experience that any child could go through.

It’s easy to forget that child abuse affects children in the real world. Children living in everyday families, average children alike normal children in average schools, not imaginary children in an imaginary world. Let’s call this imaginary boy “David”.

David is a charming and charming young man with many hobbies. He likes clothes, shoes, airplanes, math, toy soldiers, and certain colors.

David is 8 years old and has been in foster care for two and a half years. He has been separated from his siblings for eighteen months. He receives video messages and is able to talk to them on a webcam once every three months, although they do not have face-to-face contact.

David has stable foster carers who spend a lot of time with David. He has major attachment issues, is on the autism spectrum, and some emotional and behavioral issues. He needs a lot of help, support and encouragement. David gives affection and warmth in his own way.

Due to her age, gender, and complex needs, she felt best about securing her long-term temporary placement and placing her little siblings up for adoption.

David’s behavior had at times hurt and distressed his little brothers, and he has progressed by leaps and bounds since he was placed alone.

Given what we know of the details of child abuse and neglect, can we really imagine what David has been through? Can we imagine what has continued to drive his life to get him to this point? What is the role of anyone working with David to help and understand him? How to empathize with his experiences?

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