Shopping Product Reviews

Fluoride: What’s the problem?

They put fluoride in drinking water. They put fluoride in the toothpaste. They put fluoride in the mouthwash. The dentist gives you a fluoride treatment after cleaning your teeth.

Why all that fluorine?

More importantly, is it really a good thing?

Those are great questions… I’m glad you asked.

First, a bit of boring history. I promise you it won’t take long. Once upon a time, a dentist traveled to a town in Colorado to establish his practice. He noticed that all the people born in the area had terrible brown stains on their teeth, originally called “Colorado Brown Stain”, but later called fluorosis. He also noted that these same people had little to no cavities.

After considerable study (like 30 years), this dentist finally found the compound responsible.


By now I already had the help of other dentists. They began to test water from all over the country. What they found was that children whose water supply had only one part per million (ppm) of fluoride had fewer cavities. They also did not have the “Colorado Brown Stain” condition.

To test their findings on a large scale a test city was required. The city was Grand Rapids, Michigan. In 1945, Grand Rapids began fluoridating its water. After an 11-year study, in which 30,000 children were examined, the results showed a 60 percent decrease in cavities in school-age children.

There’s the proof… What’s the problem?

In many people’s minds, the problem is that the government was essentially mass-medicating its citizens. Fluoridation is really only effective in children. So millions of adults are getting fluoride for no reason.

Recently, there have been countries that have stopped adding fluoride to their drinking water. In New Zealand, for example, 12 years after stopping fluoridation there was a real improvement in incidents of cavities.

The other problem is that the source of fluoride used in drinking water is the fertilizer industry. There is a negative feeling associated with that connection to the water that people drink.

The solution: If you don’t want fluoride in your water… get rid of it!

How to get rid of fluoride?

The simple answer is with a filter designed to do just that. Of course, you won’t get a filter that only removes fluoride. It will also remove many other bad things. These filters come in a wide variety. You can get something as simple as a water jug ​​all the way up to a whole house filtration system.

You can also purchase a distillation unit that will provide you with virtually pure water. A distillation unit will bring the water to a boil. It will then capture the vapor and cool it back down to a liquid. Then the water goes through an activated carbon filter. You will have pure and refreshing water to drink.

I hope this has been informative for you.

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