Arts Entertainments

Funny life quotes and celebrity sayings

There are now apparently thousands of quotes available online that people can easily browse and read. People who read quotes and sayings want to be inspired and motivated. Also, since the message is summarized in a few words, the audience does not easily get tired of reading. The quotes and sayings bring light and understanding to the readers. They can come from the simplest of individuals to people of high rank, position, and prominence. Below are some of the most famous life quotes from celebrities that you will find funny.

“The road to success is always under construction” By Lily Tomlin

Truly, success is not an overnight process. If you want to be successful, you have to start at the bottom. If you want to be a director, you must first be an apprentice or take additional classes. Maybe you want to be a nursing manager, maybe you want to graduate first and take the nursing exam. Along the way, there may be bumps and difficulties. However, it should never stop you from reaching your goals and dreams.

“If you love two people at the same time, choose the second, because if you really loved the first you wouldn’t have fallen in love with the second.” by Johnny Deep

Sure, love can be complicated. There are cases when a person loves two people at the same time. Others have to commit affairs because they love another but cannot leave their marriage partners because they still have feelings for them. The famous Pirates of the Caribbean actor must have been telling this quote wisely. If you still care about your first love, you won’t find someone else to love. If you have to choose, choose the second. These are just Depp’s thoughts. If you find yourself in such a situation, the decision is still yours.

“If you want to sacrifice the admiration of many men for the criticism of one, go ahead and get married.” By Katherine Hepburn

Certainly it is flattering for a maiden to hear the admiration of men. She gives a girl a sense of confidence and pride. Many dictionaries describe how as a critical observation or comment. Criticism can be accepted as something positive or negative. In marriage, the husband and wife are very open to each other. For many couples, criticizing has been a regular routine. It all comes down to the couple’s reason for the criticism being given. On the other hand, married couples must not only learn to criticize, they must also learn to compliment and praise their partners. That’s called appreciation.

“Do you have enemies? Well, that means you stood up for something in your life.” by Eminem

It is a fact that people have different views and beliefs. Standing up for something you believe in can ruin relationships and can increase the number of your enemies. However, it will also give you the peace of mind not to let the opinions of others manipulate yours. Eminem or Marshall Bruce Mathers III is a popular American rapper, songwriter, and producer. He wrote a series of controversial songs that angered many people. It is not a new story that he had several fights with other celebrities and family members due to the controversial lyrics that he wrote and sang. Maybe he’s just being true to himself.

Celebrities are headstrong just like any of us. They have minds to speak too. The quotes mostly came from celebrities. They are not only comedic, people from different walks of life can also be very relatable to them.

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