Home Kitchen

Help your local soup kitchen

Are you looking for a way to help your fellow human? Then look no further than your local soup kitchen. Your soup kitchen makes it possible to feed the needy in this country. Without these establishments, thousands of people would literally starve.

A great way to make sure we help others in this country is to donate your time and/or food to these establishments.

Our church holds a weekly non-perishable food drive that church members then deliver to various soup kitchens in the area. Our church collects about $1000 to $1500 worth of food items every week and because they handle everything, it makes it easy for the entire congregation to participate.

If you don’t belong to a church or organization like mine, don’t worry, you can leave the food you collect yourself. This is what I recommend for you to do your part.

Every week when you go to the supermarket, buy a few cans of food that will be donated specifically to the soup kitchen. Keep a bag at home where you will add these cans. When the bag is full, you can take the food to the soup kitchen yourself.

To find a local soup kitchen in your area, you can look in the phone book, call your local government office, or do an online search. You are bound to find some. Once you determine which soup kitchen you are going to donate to, give them a call and let them know that you are about to go grocery shopping and would like to pick up a few things for them and find out what they are missing.

As a former volunteer, I would love to receive such a call. It would make life so much easier there.

Now go out and collect some goods. It doesn’t have to be the top of the order lines; The important thing here is to donate food so that people can eat.

The United States is a great country and it is volunteer programs like these, where we help our fellow man, that make it the best country in the world.

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