How to Stop Gambling Online

Stop Gambling Online

If you’ve tried to cut down on your gambling, you may be wondering how to stop gambling online. There are several effective methods that can help you stop the addiction completely. Listed below are some of the best. First, you need to decide to stop gambling online. You must stop the urge before it gets too strong. You also need to remove all credit cards from your possession. Consider letting someone else handle your finances. Set up automatic payments from your bank. Close your accounts with online casinos and gambling sites. Keep a small amount of cash with you at all times.


If you can’t seem to control your urge to gamble, try delaying your next urge. This technique is called “urge surfing” and was developed by the late psychologist Alan Marlatt. It works by delaying the urge for 30 minutes, at which point your body will not be as hungry for gambling behavior. Once this has happened, you can finally break the cycle of gambling addiction. But don’t give up entirely. There are still ways to beat the habit.

One of the most effective ways to stop gambling online is to block the websites that trigger your addiction. Often, you’ll navigate to a gambling site in a matter of seconds. If you use a blocking application such as the Freedom App, you’ll be able to break the cycle and block the sites that trigger your gambling behavior. You can also set a schedule for the time you block the websites beforehand. It’s not an easy task, but it’s well worth the effort.

How to Stop Gambling Online

Another effective method for stopping gambling online is to hire a therapist. BetterHelp offers professional online therapists and will match you with a therapist. They’re reader-supported and may earn a commission if you use our links. Although it’s painful to admit your addiction, remember that many other people have overcome it. You can do it, too! You’re not alone. This article will help you make a permanent change in your life.

In order to understand whether or not you’re an addicted gambler, you should consider the reasons you engage in compulsive gambling. While gambling is not the same as substance addiction, the brain chemicals in gambling addicts are similar. As such, it’s important to recognize that the addictive nature of this activity can undermine any recovery efforts. For example, addictions can lead to depression, financial hardship, and other negative consequences. Fortunately, there are many resources for recovering from the addiction.

As difficult as it is, dealing with an addiction to gambling can be overwhelming and even shameful. Family members of a gambling addict may feel lost, but it’s vital to support them as best you can. Reach out for support and guidance from family and friends. Establishing boundaries in money management can help the gambler to remain accountable and avoid a relapse. Make sure the first priority of managing family finances is your own safety.

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